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New Words

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  award   n. something esp. a prize or money, given as the result of an official decision 奖品,奖金;裁定
  challenging   adj. calling for full use of one's abilities or resources in a difficult but stimulating effort有挑战性的
  competition   n. a test of strength, skill, ability, etc. 比赛,竞赛;竞争
  contribution   n. something that you give or do in order to help something be successful 贡献;
the act of giving money, time, help, etc. 捐献,捐赠
  electronics   n. the study of making equipment using electronic elements 电子学
  email   v.
mailing an electronic letter 发电子邮件
an electronic letter 电子邮件
gadget   n. a small device or useful apparatus 小装置;小玩意儿
  invention   n. the act of inventing 发明,创造;虚构
  location   n. place or position, esp. in relation to other areas, buildings, etc. 地点,位置,场所
nickname   n. a name used informally instead of one誷 own name 绰号,外号, 浑名
  participate   v. to take part in sth. 参加,参与
snail   n. a small plant-eating creature with a soft body, no limbs, and usu. a hard shell on its back, which moves very slowly蜗牛
  talent   n. people who have talent 天才

Phrases and Expressions  

participate in take part in 参加
come up with to think of (a plan, answer, reply, etc.); produce 想出(计划、答案、回答等); 提出
roast duck 北京烤鸭

Proper Name

New Mexico 新墨西哥(美国南部一州)  


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