您现在的位置:首页>>英语泛读教程二>>UNIT 11

1. 课文一 2. 课文二

Text 1

"We Are Still Alive!"
by Malcolm McConnell


    In July, 1990, an earthquake occurred in a resort city in the Philippines. After one week's hard work, International Rescue Corps abandoned hope and left. Yet several people were still alive, buried in the ruins of the building. Did they survive in the end?

    Spread across pine-covered ridges in the northern Luzon highlands, the Philippine resort city of Baguio was quiet on the afternoon of July 16, 1990. At around 4:30 p.m. Pedrito Dy, a cook at the luxurious Hyatt Terraces Hotel complex, was resting on a chair in the hotel's gym.

    The gym was in the basement of an 11-story flat. Adjacent to the tower were seven floors of rooms that rose like steps.

    At 26, Pedrito was strong, with a quietly confident manner. Beginning as a kitchen helper while still a teenager, he had advanced to second cook. He and his wife, Adela, had a two-year-old son, and Pedrito was proud that his success had brought the family modest prosperity.

    Three floors above, caretaker Luisa "Jingjing" Mallorca, 20, waited for an elevator. Her friend William Tan, 32, joined her. Behind them security man Arnel Calabia, 26, had just taken up his post at the guard-station table. Arnel and William were like protective older brothers to Jingjing.            

  Suddenly the carpeted floor swayed violently. The overhead lights went out and the hall was enveloped in blackness.       

    "Earthquake!" shouted Arnel. "Stay where you are." He had experienced tremors before.

    In the basement gym, Pedrito Dy was rising from the chair to get his coat when the floor began to shift. He staggered through the darkness toward the corridor. Others crowded behind him as a second violent tremor hit. Through a distant door Pedrito saw the tower of the flat twist and collapse. Above the crashing roar, he could hear co-workers crying and gasping for breath.

    His lungs filled with dust as thousands of tons of rubble smashed through the floors above. Then he felt something large and soft pressing across his back. A mattress stored in the corridor forced him down onto his hands and knees miraculously shielding him. Pedrito arched his back against the mattress, desperately trying to form an air space.       

    Jingjing Mallorca tripped over the debris. Finally she was forced into a pocket formed by broken concret chunks. William lay beneath the table, his legs near Jingjing, his head and one shoulder against Arnel's chest.

    "Are you all right?" Jingjing asked.

    "I'm hurt," William answered painfully. "My stomach. My chest."

    Jingjing twisted to her side, struggling to shift the debris from William's body, but she could not budge the heaviest chunks. She heard Arnel trying to reach under the table to free William.

    "I've got only my left arm free," Arnel said. "My right hand is jammed under the beam. I can't move it."

    Jingjing could hear the despair in Arnel's voice.

    Engineer Andres Marzan, safety manager of a gold mine at Balatoc, ten miles southeast of Baguio, struggled from his company toward mine headquarters. He went to the office of the mine's operation's vice president, Dominador Valencia, who said, "We must send rescue teams to Baguio. The two big hotels are down."

    Marzan jotted notes as Valencia organized the rescue force. "Get our best volunteers," Valencia said, "men with experience." Marzan shuddered as the image of high-rise hotels collapsed into rubble filled his mind. He knew he faced a terrifying challenge.

    Day Two. Pedrito Dy tried to move the debris pressing him. After a long time, he felt a sharp chunk shift, and he was able to roll over onto his shoulder. He was desperately thirsty. He forced his thoughts toward his wife's warm smile, to his small son's bright eyes. He had to live for them.

    Arnel Calabia bit his lip, trying to dull the pain from his trapped right hand. Groaning, William twisted against the debris inside the guard table. "Listen," suddenly Jingjing cried. "There are people up there!"

    They heard the engines work, then echoes of words. "Please help us," Arnel shouted. "We're still alive." But no reply was heard.

    Day Three. The miners arrived. They used hammers to chop through the concrete chunks.

    The victims' anxious relatives gathered at the rescue site, tearfully pleading with the miners to work faster.

    Day Four. Pedrito tried once more to picture his wife and small son, his parents and his relatives, all of whom he felt certain were standing outside. But his mind kept returning to the thirst. Please, Lord, send me water, he prayed.

    Moments later, a trickle of bitter, rainwater dripped from the rubble above. He opened his mouth like a baby bird to catch the precious drops. I will live, he vowed.

    At the same time, Arnel was screaming hoarsely for help. Jingjing, meanwhile, tried to comfort William. His internal injuries were dragging him relentlessly toward death.

    Day Seven. Jingjing listened to the steady tapping as Arnel thumped a piece of pipe against the thick beam above their heads. But the rescuers' voices and sounds of their excavations seemed to grow distant. Then they were gone altogether.

    "We're here." Jingjing shouted weakly. "We're still alive."

    "William," Arnel whispered. William did not answer.

    "Feel his pulse," Jingjing said.

    After a long silence Arnel said, "He's gone."

    Lauren Marzo, Marzan's colleague, watched British and Japanese members of the International Rescue Corps climb down the rubble to the parking lot. For several hours they had probed the ruins, listening for the tapping that the miners had reported, but they had not heard any.

    "Is there any hope?" Lauren asked a bone-tired volunteer. The man shook his head.

    That afternoon the foreign teams packed their equipment and left.

    Day Nine. When miners tunneled toward the gym, they used a cutting torch that accidentally ignited the barrier. Choking smoke filled the tunnel.

    "Do you smell smoke?" Jingjing asked.

    The smoke grew thicker. Arnel coughed until his ribs felt broken. Gradually, Arnel felt his consciousness fade, and he floated like a child's balloon into a bright sky. He felt the sunlight fade as he shuddered awake.

    "Arnel, where are you?"

    It was Jingjing's voice. He raised his free hand stiffly to his face. His flesh was cold. I was dead, he realized. But it was not my time.

    Day Ten. When they reached the third floor, one of the miners heard faint cries from below. "If anyone's alive," he shouted, "answer so we can follow your voice."

    A man replied with surprising strength, "There are two of us, and we're still alive. I have a woman with me."

    The miner shook with excitement and yelled, "We'll do our best to get you out."

    Day Eleven. Jingjing lay in the dark, listening and expecting. Then, with a sound of cracking, dazzling light flooded the cave. Her dust-caked face was bathed with a sweet, cool draft. Men's voices were calling her. Suddenly she comprehended. She crawled beneath the debris and into the strong, muddy hands of the miners. She was thin and weak, but her voice was clear and strong. "Help Arnel," she begged. "His hand is pinned."

    Arnel clenched his jaw against the pain as the miners sawed through a wooden frame to free him. His face flooded with tears. As the miners carried him through the parking lot, he reached out with his uninjured hand to touch the men who had saved him.

    Day Thirteen. Pedrito Dy had heard the noise of hammers on concrete so clearly for so long that he was certain rescue was near. He had found a length of pipe and had begun to hit it against nearby pipes, but the only response was random grinding as the rubble shifted.

    Slowly the realization came that he would never be found. He knew what had to be done. Twisting in the dark, he found a knob of concrete behind his head. He slammed his shoulders back and began to smash his head into the concrete, again and again, each below bringing him closer to the final sleep of death.

    Then he felt invisible hands holding him back. He tried to move, but they gripped him firmly. He understood. I don't have to die.

    For the first time in days, he slept well. Then, as he dozed off again, he heard men's voices close by. He shouted, "I'm here. Please help me." But there was no answer.

    Day Fourteen. The miners snaked through the basement rubble and prepared to strike a concrete beam with their hammers. As they shifted their tools, they heard a man call out weakly through the concrete.

    Stunned, one miner yelled, "Relax! We'll get you out."

    With a final beat, and Pedrito's cave burst with hot light. The miners slid a wooden backboard through the narrow hole, and Pedrito lay down on it.

    He was alive.

    (1422 words) TOP

































    第二天 帕吉特戴试图挪开压在身上的碎石。过了好长一段时间,他感到一块尖尖的厚块动了,他能翻身侧着躺了。他渴得要命。于是,他迫使自己想妻子亲切的笑容,想儿子明亮的眼睛。他要为他们活着。




    第三天 矿工们来了。他们用锤子敲穿水泥块。



    第四天 帕吉特再次试着去想妻子、儿子、父母和亲戚,他敢肯定,他们就站在外面。但他不停地想着渴。上帝啊,请赐给我点水吧,他祈求着。






    第七天 阿恩尔用力敲打头顶上方靠在粗梁上的一根管子,京京听着不断的敲击声。然而,救援人员的说话声和挖掘声音似乎渐渐远去,然后完全消失了。


    威廉,”阿恩尔低声喊 道。









    第九天 当矿工们挖通向健身房的地道时,他们用的挖掘火把不小心点燃了障碍物,呛人的烟雾弥漫了隧道。


    “你闻到烟味了吗?”京京问。     烟味越来越浓了。阿恩尔不停地咳嗽,感觉肋骨都要咳断了。渐渐地,阿恩尔感到意识越来越模糊,好象小孩玩的汽球飘上了明朗的天空。当他震颤了一下醒来时,他觉得光线暗下去了。




    第十天 当矿工们挖到第四层时,一名矿工听到下面传来微弱的叫声。于是,他喊道,“要是还有人活着,请回答,这样我们可以顺着声音找到你。





    第十一天 黑暗中,京京躺着、听着、盼着。然后,随着“噼里啪啦”的爆裂声,耀眼的灯光泻进洞里。她那满是灰尘的脸,沐浴在清新凉爽的空气中。矿工们在喊她。突然,她明白了。她爬出碎石,矿工们沾满泥巴的手用力抓住她,把她救了出来。她又瘦又弱,但声音清晰有力,“快去救阿恩尔,”她恳求他们。“他的手被压住了。






    第十三天 锤子长时间敲击水泥的声音,帕吉特戴听得那么清楚,以致他确信营救队就在附近。他找到一节管子,开始用它敲击身边的管子。可是,听到的只是碎石松动发出的摩擦声。









    第十四天 矿工们蛇行穿过地下室的碎石堆,准备用锤子砸开水泥梁。换工具时,他们听到从水泥堆传来一个男人微弱的叫声。



    随着最后一下敲击声,强光突然射入帕吉特呆的洞穴。矿工们把一块木板滑下那个窄窄的洞穴,帕吉特躺在上面。     他还活着。


Text 2


Darwin——Cyclone Tracy in 1974


    It did not seem possible that there could be so much destruction in so short a time. One minute the 45 000 people of Darwin, in the far north of Australia, were asleep in their beds or returning home late from Christmas Eve parties. The next, they were creeping out of their ruined homes like mice from their holes. Mile after mile of the city was destroyed.

    As one man said, with tears in his eyes: "I've been in Darwin for forty years. I've seen it grow and now I've seen it go."

    Life in Darwin had always been free and easy. During the dry season, from May to October, the weather was the best in Australia. It never rained there and tourists arrived in large numbers from the south to escape the winter cold.

    But it was not always pleasant weather. The people of Darwin were well aware of the threat of cyclones in their part of the world. At the first sign of a high wind the radio put out a warning. But, because few of the storms ever did hit the towns on the coast, people had come to discount the warnings.

    However, on 24 December 1974, the local television and radio stations warned of a cyclone, which the weather men had named Tracy, moving rapidly nearer Darwin.

    But it was Christmas Eve. The people of Darwin did not want to think about cyclones when they were only a few hours away from Christmas Day, with various preparations still to make. There were presents to get ready for the children and food to prepare for the family meal the next day.

    The frequent warnings on the radio did not go unnoticed. There were a few nervous people considering anxiously whether to drive off in their cars to escape the danger. But, as usual, everyone hoped that the storm would blow away.

    At two minutes before midnight, the radio gave out a short message. There seemed little doubt that Cyclone Tracy was moving towards Darwin.

    The first report of the cyclone's position was given at 9.40 p.m. Tracy was then seventy-three kilometers away, traveling east-south-east at six kilometers an hour. An hour later, it was sixty-four kilometers away, still moving at the same speed.

    In spite of the continued cyclone warnings, the people of Darwin went to bed well before midnight that night. They were tired from all the last-minute shopping and the excitement of Christmas.

    There were some, however, who stayed up much later, at Christmas Eve parties. Returning in the early hours of Christmas morning, they suddenly understood for the first time that the cyclone was going to hit Darwin. There was a very strong wind and the rain was coming down so hard, it hurt to be out in the open.

    Those who had gone to bed gave up trying to sleep. The noise from the wind seemed to fill every room. Lights were on all over the city. Families turned on their radios to hear the latest news about the advancing cyclone. Many of them moved into their bathrooms because they were told that was the safest place.

    Although Darwin lies in the recognized cyclone "belt", the houses in the city were not built to stand up against such fierce winds. Many of them in the city were made of wood, with iron sheets for roofs. Other towns in Australia, within the same cyclone belt, had prepared a new building act.

    But Darwin did not follow their example. So the houses were very weak. Most of them were raised up on "legs" to provide extra coolness in the hot weather. The iron roofs were just nailed down instead of being firmly fixed with what Australian builders call "cyclone bolts."

    In spite of the increasing danger from Cyclone Tracy, now only thirty kilometers away, the local people were actually making jokes about it. They even made up songs about the cyclone that never reached Darwin.

    Little did they know that when Tracy arrived, not even the houses built with bricks would remain standing.

    For the boat out at sea the bad dream began at about midnight. Bob Hedditch had taken his fishing boat, the seventy-three foot Anson, out to sea at about 7.30 p.m. on Christmas Eve. There were two other men on board.

    "By 2 a.m., we had no steering, no lights, and only the main engine to keep us moving into the eye of cyclone," said Bob. The "eye" is the calm center of a cyclone, inside a ring of storm.

    It had taken just four hours for Cyclone Tray to turn Darwin into a huge pile of rubbish. There was not a single roof left on any of the buildings and the people of Darwin were standing outside their ruined homes like lost children.

    John Auld lived with his wife Helen and their 22-month-old-son Glenn, in Darwin, but until Cyclone Tracy arrived they did not know their neighbors very well. There was the Firth family across the road and the Dabovitch couple next door. The cyclone was to bring them all together.

    John Auld was working on night duty at Darwin airport. He was very busy because they were waiting for a British Airways plane on a flight to Sydney, stopping off at Darwin.

    Helen Auld, frightened by the screaming wind, tried to telephone her husband but all the lines were down. So she took the baby, who was asleep, into the bathroom and sat on the floor.

    Before Cyclone Tracy reached Darwin, its "eye" was very large. But now suddenly it began to get smaller and smaller. This caused the speed of the winds to increase even further around the eye.

    Within minutes people were running screaming into the dark streets. Houses were torn from the ground and thrown several yards in all directions.

    Tall office buildings and hotels fell to the ground. Cars parked in the street were blown over and over until every bit of metal was bent or scratched. At Darwin's railway station, trains were thrown into the air as if they were toys. The rails were torn up from the ground and bent into different shapes. All the time the cyclone was screaming and moaning and roaring.

    At the airport, John Auld watched in horror as fifty planes were destroyed. Some of them were blown for hundreds of yards. John looked at his watch. It was 4 a.m. He was desperately worried about Helen and the baby. When he felt that there was nothing more he could do at the airport, he ran to his car. Luckily it was under cover and was not damaged.

    He drove the six kilometers to his home as fast as he could but it was an almost impossible journey. All the roads were covered in overturned cars, doors, roofs, glass and furniture.

    When he reached the street where he lived, his house had disappeared and there was no sign of his family.

    But Peter Firth from across the road had rescued Helen and the baby. Helen had stayed in the bathroom holding her child closely to her. When the roof flew off, she thought she was going to die and prayed that her husband John would come back from the airport.

    As the full anger of Cyclone Tracy began to die down, Peter Firth struggled out of his ruined house and forced open the front door of the Auld's home. He found Helen and Glenn in a corner of the bathroom, the only room in the house, which was not destroyed. He led them to the safety of the storm cellar under his house. The Dabovitches joined them later. They had spent three hours hiding under the concrete steps in the front of their house, after their home had flown away into the night.

    John Auld searched everywhere for his family, until he found them in the Firths' cellar. Many of the people of Darwin escaped by hiding in cellars that night.

    One family stayed alive by lying under a bed all night as the cyclone tore down their house piece by piece.

    One man spent the whole night supporting the bathroom ceiling with his shoulders to protect his family.
    Another family with two children hid in a neighbor's shed which somehow managed to stay on the ground.
    The mother, Mrs. Vivianne Buffery, described the scene at the height of the storm. "Everything was flying through the air,"
she said, "Washing machines, fridges, television sets, ladders, fences."

    When Cyclone Tracy finally left Darwin, there was a strange silence throughout the city. Everyone waited, expecting the storm to turn round and come back again to make sure that all the buildings were knocked to the ground.
    But when the people at last appeared from their hiding places at dawn, they could see that the cyclone had done a very thorough job! Nothing was left standing for as far as the eye could see. Quite simply, the cyclone had picked up the city of Darwin, shaken it, and then dropped it to the ground like an unwanted toy.

    It took a long time to discover how many people had died in the cyclone. But after two weeks, the final figure was only forty-eight, including thirteen children under the age of twelve. More than sixty were injured, many of them seriously.

    The city was so badly hit that it was decided to bring in bulldozers to knock down whatever was left standing. The only thing to do was start from the beginning and rebuild the whole city.

    Thousands of families were flown out over the next few days to live in other parts of Australia until they could return to Darwin. But many people decided to stay behind to help in the long task of rebuilding their city.

            (1635 words)  TOP













































    在飞机场,眼看50架飞机被吹毁,约翰奥德吓坏了。有些飞机被吹到几百码以外。约翰看了看手表,早上4:00。想到海伦和孩子,他担心极了。发现自己在机场于事无补,他疾步跑向汽车。还算幸运,他的车子刚好 有东西盖着,没有受损。























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