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Text 1  Danger by candlelight

Information related to the text


Maginot Line: It was built between 1929 and 1940 to provide time for the French army to mobilize and to make up for a potentially disastrous shortfall of manpower predicted for the late 1930s.


Language notes



1) These twin terrors too often went hand in hand with patriotism during the Second World War.




The twin terrors refer to the suspense and the shadow of death mentioned in the previous sentence.


Went hand in hand means were closely connected. 


2) He envied his friend Pierre who, although only fourteen, was in active service with the Free France.




In active service here means actually fighting in the armed forces.


3) Jacqueline was to be taken care of by loyal neighbors should the hand of death suddenly knock at the Bernauds' door.




Should the hand of death knock at the Bernauds' door is in the subjunctive mood.


4) The light was now good enough for a keen observer to note that a tense look left Jacques' face.




The light of the lamp would enable anyone careful enough to see that a look of nervous anxiety disappeared from Jacques' face.


5) He must be in at the finish.




Be in at means be present at.



Text 2   A Physician's Life in a Turbulent World


Language notes


1) ... instead of storing it in the cache we had prepared for sensitive material.




Storing it in the cache we had prepared for sensitive material means concealing it in the secret hiding place for confidential documents.


2) My strongest recollection of the next moment is the total collapse of Lion.


接着发生的事,我记忆最深的就是莱昂完全 崩溃。


The total collapse means the complete nervous breakdown of Lion.


3) It was a shattering moment.




A shattering moment means a moment during which one suffers from great mental stress and strains.


4) Its purpose was obvious: not so much to cause physical pain as to make me lose my mental balance.


德国人这样做目的很明显, 与其说要造成我肉体上的痛苦,不如说要使我心理失衡。


Obviously, the purpose was to make me suffer from mental strains and break my mental balance rather than cause physical pain.

5) He quieted down somewhat but remained deeply withdrawn and hard to reach those next days, starting out of our little window, unseeing.




Remained deeply withdrawn and hard to reach means (He) kept silent and concerned with his own thoughts and difficult for people to approach.


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