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A. Determining the main idea.

   Choose the best answer. Do not refer to the text.

The main purpose of the article is to ________.( )

(a) show the present environmental situation and the inevitable worsening of our environment

(b) discuss in detail some serious environment problems

(c) discuss the correct attitudes towards environmental changes and the need to get mentally prepared for the changes

(d) discuss some serious environment problems and various ways to deal with them

B. Comprehending the text.

   Choose the best answer.

1. Serious problems for the survival of the human race arise as a result of ________.( )

(a) slow changes of the world

(b) the changing climate and the rising sea levels

(c) what humans have done over the past two thousand years

(d) the disappearance of many animals and plants

2. The greenhouse effect appears when ________.( )

(a) the earth is no longer cold

(b) the earth is getting warmer

(c) the "greenhouse gases" become less in the atmosphere

(d) the radiant heat from the sun is not able to reach the earth

3. Carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, comes from all of the following except ________.( )

(a) breathing animals

(b) burning fuels  

 (c) burning trees

(d) growing plants

4. Over the last 100 years world temperatures have risen by about half a degree (Celsius) and over the next 50 years they may rise by ________.( )

(a) another half degree

(b) one degree

(c) three degrees

(d) five degrees
   5. Scientists hold that we should ________ to slow the greenhouse effect.  ( )

(a) use only petrol, oil, natural gas

(b) stop using things that produce greenhouse gases

(c) produce less of the greenhouse gases

(d) use wind, water and geothermal power only

6. Which of the following is NOT true?  ( )

(a) Acid rain may attack the regions where it is formed and other regions as well.

(b) Smoke from factories and power-stations in the USA is the main cause of acid rain in Canada.

(c) Acid rain kills plants and water animals but is not really harmful to humans.

(d) Acid rain also damages buildings and railway railings.

7. In order to prevent acid rain effectively, we can do all of the following except ________.( )

(a) building tall chimneys

(b) cleaning waste gases before they leave the factories

(c) using coal and oil that have very little sulphur

(d) using devices to clean exhaust smoke from cars

8. Ozone is a gas that ________.( )

(a) protects the earth from the ultraviolet radiation of the sun

(b) sends ultraviolet radiation to the earth

(c) destroys the chlorofluorocarbons

(d) causes skin cancers

9. Rivers, lakes and seas may be polluted by all of the following except ________.( )

(a) acid rain

 (b) fertilizers

(c) waste material

(d) oxygen

10. Power-stations also cause pollution because the water they send back after use ________.( )

(a) is too hot for water animals to live in it

(b) has less oxygen than cold water

(c) is always hot

(d) has radioactive elements


C. Understanding vocabulary.

   Choose the correct definition according to the context.

1. The climate warmed and cooled, new plants and animals evolved and became extinct in their turn, and sea levels rose and fell over periods of thousands, if not millions of years.  ( )

(a) died out

(b) developed

(c) changed

(d) lasted

2. Forests have disappeared, river courses have been changed, and large areas of natural vegetation have turned into farmland and cities.  ( )

(a) hills

(b) plains

(c) vegetables

(d) plant life

3. When we burn fuels in vehicles and power-stations, huge amounts of extra carbon dioxide go into the atmosphere.  ( )

(a) machines

(b) factories

(c) stoves

(d) cars and trucks

4. Nitrous oxide comes from car exhausts and from chemical fertilizers.  ( )

(a) gas which is produced by cars

(b) oil used for driving

(c) waste oil discarded

(d) devices that burn oil

5. Governments are already trying to reduce the use of CFCs.  ( )

(a) make less

(b) double

(c) limit

(d) stop

6. We can also use sources of power that do not burn fuel and release carbon dioxide.  ( )

(a) set free

(b) prevent

(c) breathe in

(d) cause

7. Other alternatives are wind, water and geothermal power.  ( )

(a) means

(b) types

(c) methods

(d) choices

8. The ozone layer prevents the Sun’s dangerous ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth where it would damage our skin and cause cancers.  ( )

(a) carries

(b) helps

(c) stops

(d) causes

9. Air pollution affects rivers and lakes indirectly because it causes acid rain.  ( )

(a) influences

(b) comes towards

(c) destroys

(d) changes

10. Rivers eventually flow into the sea, carrying their pollution with them.  ( )

(a) peacefully

(b) smoothly

(c) powerfully

(d) finally

11. Some of this waste is released by the power-stations into the air or water; some is stored.  ( )

(a) dissolved in water

(b) kept in a special place

(c) changed in form

(d) reduced in time


D. Discussing the following topics.

   1. What is the greenhouse effect? Can you give examples of the greenhouse effect in the place you live?



  2. Discuss how air pollution and water pollution have affected our daily life.


   3. What can we do to improve our environment?





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