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A. Determining the main idea.

   Choose the best answer. Do not refer to the text.

The main idea of the story is that ________.( )

(a) people living on Pemberton Street were conscious that they should make their block clean

(b) people liked to have some one like Mable Howard as their block captain

(c) Mable was a respected block captain who made Pemberton Street a nice neighborhood

(d) people had fun sweeping the streets under the influence of Mable Howard


B. Comprehending the text.

   Choose the best answer.

1. The author and his wife chose a row house on Pemberton street because________.( )

(a) the place was safe, and there was less crime than they had been exposed to in the past

(b) this was the house that they could afford

(c) the house was in good condition

(d) they hated the noise in Philadelphia's Center City

2. Immediately after they moved in, Mable Howard came to their house to ________.( )

(a) find out who they were

(b) warn them against throwing litter carelessly

(c) ask them to have her door lock repaired

(d) greet them and tell them the trash day

3. Mable desired to have the broken slats of the Alley Gate replaced because ________.( )

(a) she was fussy about everything

(b) it was her duty to keep everything clean and tidy  

(c) she believed that people should take good care of the public property

(d) she didn't want to live in a house without a safe lock

4. The author went outside, gathering the litter scattered on the streets because ________.( )

(a) he wanted to help Mable who was too ill to sweep the streets

(b) it was the only way to get rid of the unpleasant image of the dirty streets in his mind

(c) he wanted to please Mable

(d) he became environmentally conscious under the influence of Mable

5. Mable was ________.( )

(a) a warm-hearted woman though sometimes she was tough with careless litter-throwers

(b) a bright-eyed fierce woman who treated others like a boss

(c) skinny, frail  and became ill easily

(d) so enthusiastic about environmental problems that she was called "captain"

6. Which of the following is not true?  ( )

(a) Mable urged her neighbors to move their cars off the block on Saturdays.

(b) Mable kept on sweeping the street regardless of the dreadful weather when age had caught up to her.

(c) Mable didn't want others to work for nothing.

(d) Recently Mable gave up sweeping the sidewalk.


C. Understanding vocabulary.

   Choose the correct definition according to the context.

1. Some buildings were dilapidated.  ( )

(a) slanted

(b) empty

(c) shabby

(d) collapsing

2. "Hello?" a reedy voice called.  ( )

(a) sweet

(b) shrill

(c) happy

(d) honest

3. She drew out the last word as if responding to the sight of a luscious cake.  ( )

(a) delicious

(b) lustrous

(c) attractive

(d) soft

4. She seemed to genuinely admire it.  ( )

(a) generously

(b) gently

(c) truly

(d) seriously

5. Mable commenced sweeping up the sawdust while I packed up my tools.  ( )

(a) commented

(b) started

(c) completed

(d) supported

6. Two weeks before, Mable affixed placards to utility poles, admonishing us to move our cars on the Saturday specified.  ( )

(a) warning

(b) compelling

(c) advising

(d) guiding

7. That incongruous sight was soon eclipsed by one of a gushing fire hydrant and phalanxes of neighbors pushing brooms to wok the water and dirt down the street.  ( )

(a) glorious

(b) adventurous

(c) inharmonious

(d) sharp

8. The cleaning was infectious.  ( )

(a) tiresome

(b) monotonous

(c) continuous

(d) contagious

9. As the sun brightened, the atmosphere became festive.  ( )

(a) cold

(b) still

(c) joyful

(d) depressing

10. She was not merely thin but skeletal.  ( )

(a) short

(b) unhealthy

(c) nervous

(d) skinny

11. There was a certain combativeness in her voice.  ( )

(a) coarseness

(b) sweetness

(c) aggressiveness

(d) happiness

12. I did not want to be responsible for Mable's insomnia, so I kept the three dollars.  ( )

(a) unhappiness

(b) sleeplessness

(c) mania

(d) misery


D. Discussing the following topics.

   1. What kind of person was Mable Howard?



      2. Why did the author say that he was proud to call Mable Howard my "captain"?


      3. What can we do to protect the worsening environment today?




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