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Text 1  Environmental Problems

Information related to the text


    1)     Environment

The physical surroundings of an organism or organisms, including biological, physical, and chemical factors. In the context of human ecology, it also includes social and cultural surroundings. Planning, caring for, and conservation of the human environment, both built and natural, became of increasing concern in the years following World War II.


Since then the environmental movement has broadened public concern so that the term now encompasses wildlife and endangered species and habitats, and the threat to planetary systems posed by pollution, deforestation, desertification, and other effects of human activity. In philosophy, environmentalism stresses the influence of the physical environment on man's development and activities.


    2) Environmental protection organizations

With a growing awareness of the importance of environmental protection, a number of environmental protection organizations have been established. Here are some of them:


    Green Party: a British political party that aims to protect the environment. It is against the use of nuclear power and other forms of industry and transport which it considers harmful. It was formed in 1973 as the Ecology Party, and changed its name to the Green Party in 1985. Other countries also have parties that share the same name and ideals.


    Greenpeace: a large international pressure group that aims to protect the environment. Its members are well known for taking direct action and putting their own lives in dangers in order to stop people from harming the environment. For example, they often go out in small boats to stop people from killing whales or throwing poisonous material into the sea.


    The Environmental Protection Agency: a US government organization that establishes rules and standards for protecting the environment, e.g. against pollution.


Language notes


1) Before humans came on the scene, the world changed only slowly.




Came on the scene means arrive, (fig) be present/appear.

e.g. By the time I came on the scene, it was all over.


2) Forests have disappeared, river courses have been changed...




Course here means forward movement in space or time.

e.g. the course of life from the cradle to the grave;

     the course of events

3) Animals (like ourselves) give out carbon dioxide...




To give out means to send out or emit sth.

e.g. The radiator is giving out a lot of heat.


4) The problem with the greenhouse effect began about 100 years ago when people started using fuels like oil and petrol on a large scale.




On a large/small scale means to a large, etc. extent/degree.

e.g. They are preparing for war on a large scale.


Text 2  Farming

Information related to the text


    Green Revolution: a term referring mainly to dramatic increases in cereal-grain yields in many developing countries beginning in the late 1960s, due largely to use of genetically improved varieties. Beginning in the mid-1940s researchers in Mexico developed broadly adapted, short-stemmed, disease-resistant wheat that excelled at converting fertilizer and water into high yields. The improved seeds were instrumental in boosting Mexican wheat production and averting famine in India and Pakistan, earning the 1970 Nobel Peace Prize for American plant breeder Norman E. Borlaug, leader of the Mexican wheat team.    Significant though less dramatic improvements followed in corn. The Mexican program inspired a similarly successful rice-research effort in the Philippines and a network of research centers dedicated to the important food crops and environments of the developing world. By 1992 the system included 18 centers, mostly in developing countries, staffed by scientists from around the world, supported by a consortium of foundations, national governments, and international agencies. Recent research responds to criticism that the Green Revolution depends on fertilizers, irrigation, and other factors that poor farmers cannot afford and that may be ecologically harmful,and that it promotes monocultures and loss of genetic diversity.


Language notes


1) Where this is not done the farming is "extensive" rather than "intensive"...




Rather than here means instead of, in preference to (sb/sth).


e.g. It is management that is at fault rather than the work-force.


2) In the 1960s special international efforts were made to breed new crop varieties that would produce better yields. 




To breed means to produce (offspring).


e.g. How often do lions breed?


3) The new varieties of plants need fertilizers and pesticides if they are to grow well and resist diseases.




Be to here expresses possibility.


e.g. The book was not to be found.


4) Animals kept on organic farms are allowed to roam in the open air and are not locked up in cages for long periods.




To lock up means to make (a house, etc.) secure by locking the doors and windows.


e.g. Don't forget to lock up before leaving home.



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