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A. Choose the best answer. 

   Choose the best answer. Do not refer to the text.

The main idea of the story is that ________.( )

(a) Dorothy, the mother in the house, quarreled with her daughter-in-law and decided to leave and start over

(b) Dorothy and Tim, as mother and son, overcame a misunderstanding and made up to each other at last

(c) thinking that she was redundant in the house, Dorothy decided to leave but her son and daughter-in-law convinced her that she was welcome and needed

(d) Dorothy was worried about her place in the house when her daughter-in-law began to stay at home full time


B. Comprehending the text.

   Choose the best answer.

1. How did Dorothy feel about herself at the beginning of the story?  ( )

(a) She felt she was capable and strong.

(b) She felt old and lonely.

(c) She felt she was a gloomy old lady.

(d) She felt she acted older than her years.

2. Tim suggested a few years ago that Dorothy needn't bother to drive the tractor ________.( )

(a) because it wasn't really necessary for her to

(b) because she was getting old

(c) because she suddenly felt old

(d) because Tim really cared about his mother

3. The previous night the family argued over where to plant the garden and ________.( )

(a) Dorothy had a real quarrel with Jenny, Tim's wife

(b) Tim sided with his mother and Jenny was unhappy

(c) Tim sided with his wife and Dorothy was unhappy

(d) no decision was reached actually

4. Dorothy understood that ________.( )

(a) it was easy for Jenny to move in and live with her mother-in-law

(b) it was not easy for Jenny to adapt herself to living at her mother-in-law's house

(c) there had been much change and everybody, including Jenny, had had to adapt

(d) there had been much change and everybody, including herself, had had to adapt

5. After the unhappy event the previous night, Dorothy felt that ________.( )

(a) if Jenny was to be at home full time it was time for herself to go

(b) something had been said to the effect that she should leave

(c) there had been clear suggestions that she move out

(d) she was not needed anymore on the farm

6. Dorothy decided to move out, ________.( )

(a) but she was not sure if she could adapt to a new life

(b) and she was sure that she could succeed in establishing a new life

(c) because she felt happy to leave the farm

(d) but she was worried that there was no place for her to go

7. When Dorothy suggested to her son that they should talk, ________.( )

(a) he apologized to her but still made no change in his decision

(b) he was forced to apologize and change his decision

(c) he asked her to go elsewhere and support herself by working as garden manager

(d) he apologized and told her that she could do whatever she liked with the garden

8. After hearing his mother's decision, ________.( )

(a) Tim understood that she was making a sacrifice but he thought it was not necessary for her to do that

(b) Tim believed that his mother really wanted to move out and he was greatly moved

(c) Tim was relieved because that was what he and his wife really wanted

(d) Tim felt ashamed of his own selfishness

9. Tim's solution to the problem was ________.( )

(a) to buy a house big enough for the whole family to live together

(b) to buy a second hand trailer house and let Dorothy live in it, close to them

(c) to buy a second hand trailer house for him and his wife and let Dorothy live in the house

(d) to let her mother go to town and live separately from them

10. Which of the following is NOT true?  ( )

(a) Dorothy loved her son and daughter-in-law and showed her sacrificing spirit.

(b) Tim was considerate and understood his mother's feelings.

(c) Jenny was not willing to live with her husband in a trailer.

(d) The family went to see the trailer despite the rain.


C. Understanding vocabulary.

   Choose the correct definition according to the context.

1. "Another gray day, gray and gloomy," she muttered, though really the rain was more than welcome after last year's drought.  ( )

(a) lack of rain

(b) heavy storm

(c) strong wind

(d) heavy snow

2. But, watching through the window as Tim hurried through the downpour from pig barn to cattle shed, she knew the answer.  ( )

(a) stream of water

(b) heavy fall of rain

(c) narrow path

(d) big expanse

3. Dorothy worked alongside him, in the beginning, until he proved himself; then gradually she relinquished more of the work to him and concentrated on her garden and flowers, and the housework.  ( )

(a) gave up

(b) offered

(c) took

(d) reconsidered

4. "I can't take all the bending any longer," she said.  ( )

(a) standing

(b) working

(c) stooping

(d) sitting

5. "I'm redundant," Dorothy thought, then realized she was speaking out loud.  ( )

(a) not worried

(b) not careful

(c) not happy

(d) not needed

6. And what a pity it was to reconvert the study, with all its space for Tim's farm records.  ( )

(a) change again

(b) remove completely

(c) give up immediately

(d) rebuild at once

7. Surprisingly, she'd slept, though her mind was churning when she went to bed.  ( )

(a) a total blank

(b) agitated

(c) confused

(d) sharp

8. And there were suites available, if she could stand living in an apartment without a yard or garden.  ( )

(a) sets of rooms

(b) sets of huts

(c) places suitable

(d) places needed

9. For a few minutes silence reigned.  ( )

(a) continued

(b) prevailed

(c) was felt

(d) was broken

10. She knew she sounded old and crabby.  ( )

(a) angry

(b) coarse

(c) dull

(d) irritable


D. Discussing the following topics.

1. What do you think of Tim's way of solving the problem?



2. Compare Dorothy's family problem with a similar one in a Chinese family.




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