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A. Determining the main idea.

   Choose the best answer. Do not refer to the text.

The main idea of the text is that ________.( )

(a) there are many forces responsible for shaping the background of American history

(b) the continental United States can be divided into three areas

(c) the land played the most important role in the history of the United States

(d) how the fifty states came into being in the United States

B. Comprehending the text.

   Choose the best answer.

1. Of the many forces, the one that has played a more important role in shaping the background of American history is ________.( )

(a) its natural resources

(b) the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

(c) the land itself

(d) the American pioneers

2. The Northern rivers flow more rapidly than the rivers in the South. As a result, ________.( )

(a) the Northern rivers are more useful as sources of water power

(b) the Northern rivers serve better as highways of commerce

(c) the rivers in the South are more useful as sources of water power

(d) the Northern rivers travel a longer way to the sea

3. The southern part of the US is made suitable for large-scale agriculture because of all the following except ________.( )

(a) mild temperature

(b) forests

(c) plains

(d) rivers

4. The longest river in North America is ________.( )

(a) the Missouri River

(b) the Mississippi River

(c) the Columbia River

(d) the Snake River

5. In America, about one-third of the land is forested. And the wooded areas are used for the following purposes except ________.( )

(a) for commerce

(b) for supporting forest products

(c) for soil protection

(d) for production of oil

6. The author's primary purpose in writing this article is to ________.( )

(a) tell the reader something about the history of the United States

(b) inform the reader of the geographical features of the United States

(c) let the reader know more about the fifty states of the United states

(d) give the reader a brief description of the American mountains


C. Understanding vocabulary.

   Choose the correct definition according to the context.

1. But of the many that have contributed, none played a more important role than the land itself.  ( )

(a) afforded

(b) provided

(c) been responsible

(d) shown

2. ... the Northeast and the South which are obviously different from each other, and the area between them which has the characteristics of both ...  ( )

(a) achievements

(b) symptoms

(c) advantages

(d) features

3. The rivers, plains, and mild temperatures of the southeastern part of the United States make it suitable for large-scale agriculture.  ( )

(a) moderate

(b) warm

(c) kind

(d) high

4. The middle area, ..., combines the characteristics of the North and the South and serves as a trade link between them.  ( )

(a) cooperates

(b) integrates

(c) adds

(d) gives

5. They have never been a great barrier between the East and the central Mississippi River Basin.  ( )

(a) headache

(b) difficulty

(c) restriction

(d) obstacle

6. By far, the largest of the three major sections of the United States is the area between the Appalachians and the Rocky Mountains.   ( )

(a) Up to now

(b) On the whole

(c) To a great degree

(d) In general

7. Flood control projects have been necessary to bring this problem under control.  ( )

(a) researches

(b) plans

(c) jobs

(d) tasks

8. Flood control projects have been necessary to bring this problem under control.  ( )

(a) be in charge of

(b) be prepared with

(c) deal with successfully

(d) discuss thoroughly

9. As a result, the clouds moving eastward over the greater part of the Great Plains between the Rockies and the Mississippi are dry.  ( )

(a) Therefore

(b) As far as it is concerned

(c) With regard to it

(d) On the other hand

10. The area around the Great Lakes is one of the most fertile in the nation.  ( )

(a) plentiful

(b) useful

(c) flowery

(d) productive

11. Although geographically separated from the other forty-eight states, Alaska and Hawaii are both richly productive and add considerable wealth to the nation.  ( )

(a) important

(b) comfortable

(c) a lot of

(d) a certain amount of

12. Of coal, a vital resource for the steel, electric power, and chemical industries, there are enough to last hundreds of years.  ( )

(a) lively

(b) good

(c) forceful

(d) essential


D. Discussing the following topics.

   1. Why are the rivers east of the Mississippi River different from those west of it?



2. Give a brief description of the natural resources in the United States.





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