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Main Course Confusion

I decided to make a romantic dinner for my anniversary. I borrowed pots and pans from my friend and went to work in the basement kitchen of my residence hall.

I had planned out the dinner exactly with appetizers of pot pies, a main course of spaghetti and meat balls and complete with a dessert of chocolate chunk ice cream. I started with the noodles for the spaghetti as it would need the most time to cook. While that was cooking, I heated up the pot pies. As luck would have it, I had been unable to find any sauce with meat balls and had to resort to buying frozen dinners with meat balls and pick out the frozen meat.

As I was doing all this I forgot to tend to my cooking noodles. When I finally glanced back at the noodles they had successfully burned to the bottom of the pan creating an indistinguishable black crust. My heart shrunk in my chest because these weren't my pots! It took me more than half an hour to scrape -- with the aid of a fork, the black gunk off the bottom of the pot. The spaghetti noodles -- although a little soft, turned out alright when the sauce and foreign meatballs were added.

The next disaster came when we had dessert and I opened up the ice cream carton to discover chocolate chunks floating in my liquidized ice cream. The residence hall freezer wasn't cold enough to keep the carton frozen so we dined on ice cream soup. Of course it was the effort that counts. Right?