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Perks of government employment


A recent posting to rec.humor.funny. reruns about police diplomacy reminds me of a story related by a friend about a vet student that he knew in college.

Apparently one of the limited summer job options available to vet students is to work for the USDA as a meat inspector. This involves driving around to meat-packing plants to check that the meat is handled properly, that it meets minimum requirements for the grade at which it is marked, and so on. The inspectors are even issued a badge to assert their authority as a U.S. Government agent.

One day the poor vet student wakes up late for work, so she rushes to get dressed, hops in the car, tosses her badge on the dashboard, and zooms off to the first inspection site of the day.

Naturally, she gets pulled over by a police officer, who informs her that she was speeding. As she hands him her license and registration, he gestures to the dashboard.

"Is that a state badge, ma'am?"

She looks at the dashboard, then looks up at him.

"Actually," she says, "it's Federal."

He hands her back her papers, tips his hat, and says, "You're free to go. Have a good day."