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1. 课文一 2. 课文二


Text 1

Fool's Paradise

by Isaac Bashevis Singer


    What is paradise like? Would people live happily in paradise? Atzel dreams to live in paradise and becomes ill. To the grief of his parents, he is willing to die. Why does Atzel want to go to paradise so much? Will his illness be cured? Please read the following cautionary tale magically told by the 1978 Nobel Prize winner in literature.

    Somewhere, sometime, there lived a rich man whose name was Kadish. He had an only son who was called Atzel. On the household of Kadish there lived a distant relative, an orphan girl, called Aksah. Atzel was a tall boy with black hair and black eyes. Aksah had blue eyes and golden hair. Both were about the same age. As children, they ate together, studied together, played together. It was taken for granted that when they grew up they would marry.

    But when they had grown up, Atzel suddenly became ill. It was a sickness no one had ever heard of before: Atzel imagined that he was dead.

    How did such an idea come to him? It seems he had had an old nurse who constantly told stories about paradise. She had told him that in paradise it was not necessary to work or to study. In paradise one ate the meat of wild oxen and the flesh of whales; one drank the wine that the Lord reserved for the just; one slept late into the day; and one had no duties.

    Atzel was lazy by nature. He hated to get up early and to study. He knew that one day he would have to take over his father's business and he did not want to.

    Since the only way to get to paradise was to die, he had made up his mind to do just that as quickly as possible. He thought about it so much that soon he began to imagine that he was dead.

    Of course his parents became terribly worried. Aksah cried in secret. The family did everything possible to try to convince Atzel that he was alive, but he refused to believe them. He would say, "Why don't you bury me? You see that I am dead. Because of you I cannot get to paradise."

    Many doctors were called in to examine Atzel, and all tried to convince the boy that he was alive. They pointed out that he was talking and eating. But before long Atzel began to eat less, and he rarely spoke. His family feared that he would die.

    In despair, Kadish went to consult a great specialist, celebrated for his knowledge and wisdom. His name was Dr. Yoetz. After listening to a description of Atzel's illness, he said to Kadish, "I promise to cure your son in eight days, on one condition. You must do whatever I tell you to, no matter how strange it may seem." Kadish agreed, and Dr. Yoetz said he would visit Atzel that same day. Kadish went home and told his wife, Aksah and the servants that all were to follow the doctor's orders without question.

    When Dr. Yoetz arrived, he was taken to Atzel's room. The boy lay on his bed, pale and thin from fasting.

    The doctor took one look at Atzel and called out, "Why do you keep a dead body in the house? Why don't you make a funeral?"

    On hearing these words the parents became terribly frightened, but Atzel's face lit up with a smile and he said, "You see, I was right."

    Although Kadish and his wife were bewildered by the doctor's words, they remembered Kadish's promise, and went immediately to make arrangements for the funeral.

    The doctor requested that a room be prepared to look like paradise. The walls were hung with white satin. The windows were shuttered, and draperies tightly drawn. Candles burned day and night. The servants were dressed in white with wings on their backs and were to play angels.

    Atzel was placed in an open coffin, and a funeral ceremony was held. Atzel was so exhausted with happiness that he slept right through it. When he awoke, he found himself in a room he didn't recognize. "Where am I?" he asked.

    "In paradise, my lord," a winged servant replied. 

    "I'm terribly hungry," Atzel said. "I'd like some whale flesh and sacred wine."

    The chief servant clapped his hands and in came men servants and maids, all with wings on their backs, bearing golden trays laden with meat, fish, pomegranates and persimmons, pineapples and peaches. A tall servant with a long white beard carried a golden goblet full of wine. Atzel ate ravenously. When he had finished, he declared he wanted to rest. Two angels undressed and bathed him, and carried him to a bed with silken sheets and a purple velvet canopy. Atzel immediately fell into a deep and happy sleep.

    When he awoke, it was morning but it could just as well have been night. The shutters were closed, and the candles were burning. As soon as the servants saw that Atzel was awake, they brought in exactly the same meal as the day before.


    Atzel asked, "Don't you have any milk, coffee, fresh rolls and butter?"

    "No, my lord. In paradise one always eats the same food," the servant replied.

    "Is it already day, or is it still night?" Atzel asked.

    "In paradise there is neither day nor night."

    Atzel again ate the fish, meat, fruit, and drank the wine, but his appetite was not as good as it had been. When he had finished, he asked, "What time is it?"

    "In paradise time does not exist," the servant answered.

    "What shall I do now?" Atzel questioned.

    "In paradise, my lord, one doesn't do anything."

    "Where are the other saints?" Atzel inquired.

    "In paradise each family has a place of its own."

    "Can't one go visiting?"

    "In paradise the dwellings are too far from each other for visiting. It would take thousands of years to go from one to the other."

    "When will my family come?" Atzel asked.

    "Your father still has 20 years to live, your mother 30. And as long as they live they can't come here."

    "What about Aksah?"

    "She has 50 years to live."

    "Do I have to be alone all that time?"

    "Yes, my lord."

    For a while Atzel shook his head, pondering. Then he asked, "What is Aksah going to do?"

    "Right now, she's mourning for you. But sooner or later she will forget you, meet another young man, and marry. That's how it is with the living."

    Atzel got up and began to walk to and fro. For the first time in years he had a desire to do something, but there was nothing to do in his paradise. He missed his father, he longed for his mother, he yearned for Aksah. He wished he had something to study; he dreamed of traveling; he wanted to ride his horse, to talk to friends.

    The time came when he could no longer hide his sadness. He remarked to one of the servants, "I see now that it is not as bad to live as I had thought."

    "To live, my lord, is difficult. One has to study, work, do business. Here everything is easy."

    "I would rather chop wood and carry stones than sit here. And how long will this last?"


    "Stay here forever?" Atzel began to tear his hair in grief. "I'd rather kill myself."
    "A dead man cannot kill himself."

    On the eighth day, when Atzel had reached the deepest despair, one of the servants, as had been arranged, came to him and said, "My lord, there has been a mistake. You are not dead. You must leave paradise."

    "I'm alive?"

    "Yes, you are alive, and I will bring you back to earth."

    Atzel was beside himself with joy. The servant blindfolded him, and after leading him back and forth through the long corridors of the house, brought him to the room where his family was waiting and uncovered his eyes.

    It was a bright day, and the sun shone through the open windows. In the garden outside, the birds were singing and the bees buzzing. Joyfully, he embraced and kissed his parents and Aksah.

    And to Aksah he said, "Do you still love me?"

    "Yes, I do, Atzel. I could not forget you."

    "If that is so, it is time we got married."

    It was not long before the wedding took place. Dr. Yoetz was the guest of honor. Musicians played; guests came from faraway cities. All brought fine gifts for the bride and groom. The celebration lasted seven days and seven nights.

    Atzel and Aksah were extremely happy, and both lived to an old age. Atzel stopped being lazy and became the most diligent merchant in the whole place.

    It was not until after the wedding that Atzel learned how Dr. Yoetz had cured him, and that he had lived in a fool's paradise. In the years to come, he and Aksah often told the tale of Dr. Yoetz's wonderful cure to their children and grandchildren, always finishing with the words, "But, of course, what paradise is really like, no one can tell.


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    很久以前,有这么一个地方,住着一个名叫卡迪什的富人。他有一个独生子叫阿采尔。卡迪什家里住着一个远亲,是个孤儿,叫阿克萨。阿采尔个子很高,有一头乌黑的头发和一对乌黑的眼珠。阿克萨则有一对蓝眼睛和一头金发。他们年龄一样大。还是孩子时 ,他们就一同吃饭,一同学习,一同玩耍。人们理所当然地认为,他们长大成人之后就会结婚。



    他怎么会有这种想法呢?似乎他曾经有过一个年老的保姆,她经常给他讲一些关于天堂的故事。她告诉他 ,在天堂里人们不需要工作或学习。在天堂里,人们吃野牛和鲸鱼的肉,喝上帝专门为正直的人准备的酒,白天睡到很晚才起床,也没有什么义务要承担。





    既然升天的唯一方法是去死 ,他便打定主意要尽快死去。他整天考虑这个问题,因此,不久以后他便开始幻想自己已经死了。


    他的父母当然是非常地担心了。阿克萨偷偷地哭。全家人想尽所有的办法来使阿采尔相信他没有死,但是他不愿相信他们。他会说:“你们为什么不把我埋了?你们都看到了 ,我已经死了。就是因为你们,我不能上天堂。”



    许多医生被请来给阿采尔检查身体 ,他们都试图使这个孩子相信他还活着。他们对他说,他仍在说话和吃饭呀。但他不久就吃得少起来,也不怎么说话了。他的家人都害怕他真的会死掉。



    绝望之下,卡迪什去向一位有名的专家请教。他叫犹兹大夫,以他的知识和智慧而闻名。听了对阿采尔病情的一番描述后,他对卡迪什说:“我保证在八天内治好你的儿子,但有一个条件。你必须按照我要求的去做 ,无论我的要求听起来有多么奇怪。”卡迪什答应了,犹兹大夫说他当天就会去探望阿采尔。卡迪什回家后告诉妻子、阿克萨和仆人们,一切都要无可置疑地按照大夫的吩咐来做。














    阿采尔被放进了一个口敞着的棺材里,然后就举行了葬礼。阿采尔快乐得精疲力尽,整个葬礼过程中都沉睡着。醒来时,他发现自己在一个陌生的房间里。“我这是在哪儿?” 他问。 

    “在天堂,阁下,” 背着翅膀的仆人回答道。

    “我非常饿,” 阿采尔说:“我想吃点儿鲸鱼肉,喝点儿圣酒。”







































(蒋蕾 译)

Text 2

Sleeping Ugly


    Princess Miserella was a beautiful princess if you counted her eyes and nose and mouth and all the way down to her toes. But inside, where it was hard to see, she was the meanest, wickedest, and most worthless princess around. She liked stepping on dogs. She kicked kittens. She threw pies in the cook's face. And she never─not even once─said thank you or please. And besides, she told lies.

    In that very same kingdom, in the middle of the woods, lived a poor orphan named Plain Jane. She certainly was. Her hair was short and turned down. Her nose was long and turned up. And even if they had been the other way round, she would not have been a great beauty. But she loved animals, and she was always kind to strange old ladies.

    One day Princess Miserella rode out of the palace in a huff. (A huff is not a kind of carriage. It is a kind of temper tantrum. Her usual kind.) She rode and rode and rode, looking beautiful as always, even with her hair in tangles.

    She rode right into the middle of the woods and was soon lost. She got off her horse and slapped it sharply for losing the way. The horse said nothing, but ran right back home. It had known the way back all the time, but it was not about to tell Miserella. So there was the princess, lost in a dark wood. It made her look even prettier.

    Suddenly, Princess Miserella tripped over a little old lady asleep under a tree. Now little old ladies who sleep under trees deep in a dark wood are almost always fairies in disguise. Miserella guessed who the little old lady was, but she did not care. She kicked the old lady on the bottoms of her feet. "Get up and take me home," said the princess.

    So the old lady got to her feet very slowly─for the bottoms now hurt. She took Miserella by the hand. (She used only her thumb and second finger to hold Miserella's hand. Fairies know quite a bit about that kind of princess.)

    They walked and walked even deeper into the wood. There they found a little house. It was Plain Jane's house. It was dreary. The floors sank. The walls stank. The roof leaked even on sunny days.

    But Jane made the best of it. She planted roses around the door. And little animals and birds made their home with her. (That may be why the floors sank and the walls stank, but no one complained.)

    "This is not my home," said Miserella with a sniff.

    "Nor mine," said the fairy.

    They walked in without knocking, and there was Jane. "It is mine," she said.

    The princess looked at Jane, down and up, up and down. "Take me home," said Miserella, "and as a reward I will make you my maid."

    Plain Jane smiled a thin little smile. It did not improve her looks or the princess's mood. "Some reward," said the fairy to herself. Out loud she said, "If you could take both of us home, I could probably squeeze out a wish or two."

    "Make it three," said Miserella to the fairy, "and I'll get us home."

    Plain Jane smiled again. The birds began to sing. "My home is your home," said Jane.

    "I like your manners," said the fairy. "And for that good thought, I'll give three wishes to you."

    Princess Miserella was not pleased. She stamped her foot. "Do that again," said the fairy, taking a pine wand from her pocket," and I'll turn your foot to stone." Just to be mean, Miserella stamped her foot again. It turned to stone.

  Plain Jane sighed. "My first wish is that you change her foot back."

    The fairy made a face. "I like your manners, but not your taste," she said to Jane. "Still, a wish is a wish." The fairy moved the wand. The princess shook her foot. It was no longer made of stone.

    "Guess my foot fell asleep for a moment," said Miserella. She really liked to lie.     

    "Besides," the princess said, "that was a stupid way to waste a wish."

    The fairy was angry. "Do not call someone stupid unless you have been properly introduced," she said, "or are a member of the family."

    "Stupid, stupid, stupid," said Miserella. She hated to be told what to do.

    "Say stupid again," warned the fairy, holding up her wand, "and I will make toads come out of your mouth."

    "Stupid!" shouted Miserella. As she said it, a great big toad dropped out of her mouth.

    "Cute," said Jane, picking up the toad, "and I do like toads, but..."

    "But?" asked the fairy.

    Miserella did not open her mouth. Toads were among her least favorite animals.

    "But," said Plain Jane, "my second wish is that you get rid of the mouth toads."

    "She's lucky it wasn't mouth elephants," mumbled the fairy. She waved the pine wand. Miserella opened her mouth slowly. Nothing came out but her tongue. She pointed it at the fairy.

    Princess Miserella looked miserable. That made her look beautiful, too. "I definitely have had enough," she said. "I want to go home." She grabbed Plain Jane's arm.

    "Gently, gently," said the old fairy, shaking her head. "If you are not gentle with magic, none of us will go anywhere."

    "You can go where you want," said Miserella, "but here is only one place I want to go."

    "To sleep!" said the fairy, who was now much too mad to remember to be gentle. She waved her wand so hard she hit the wall of Jane's house.

    The wall broke. The wand broke. The spell broke. And before Jane could make her third wish, all three of them were asleep.

    It was one of those famous hundred-year-naps that need a prince and a kiss to end them. So they slept and slept in the cottage in the wood. They slept through three and a half wars, one plague, six new kings, the invention of the sewing machine, and the discovery of a new continent. The cottage was deep in the woods so very few princes passed by. And none of the ones who did even tried the door.

    At the end of one hundred years a prince named Jojo (who was the youngest son of a youngest son and so had no gold or jewels or property to speak of) came into the woods. It began to rain, so he stepped into the cottage over the broken wall.

    He saw three women asleep with spider webs holding them to the floor. One of them was a beautiful princess.

    Being the kind of young man who read fairy tales, Jojo knew just what to do. But because he was the youngest son of a youngest son, with no gold or jewels or property to speak of, he had never kissed anyone before, except his mother, which didn't count, and his father, who had a beard.

    Jojo thought he should practice before he tried kissing the princess. (He also wondered if she would like marrying a prince with no property or gold or jewels to speak of. Jojo knew with princesses that sort of thing really matters.) So he puckered up his lips and kissed the old fairy on the nose. It was quite pleasant. She smelled slightly of cinnamon.

    He moved on to Jane. He puckered up his lips and kissed her on the mouth. It was delightful. She smelled of wild flowers. He moved on to the beautiful princess. Just then the fairy and Plain Jane woke up. Prince Jojo's kisses had worked. The fairy picked up the pieces of her wand.

    Jane looked at the prince and remembered the kiss as if it were a dream. "I wish he loved me," she said softly to herself.

    "Good wish!" said the fairy to herself. She waved the two pieces of wand gently. The prince looked at Miserella, who was having a bad dream and enjoying it. Even frowning she was beautiful. But Jojo knew that kind of princess. He had three cousins just like her. Pretty on the outside. Ugly within.

    He remembered the smell of wild flowers and turned back to Jane. "I love you," he said. "What's your name?"

    So they lived happily ever after in Jane's cottage. The prince fixed the roof and the wall and built a house next door for the old fairy.

    They used the sleeping princess as a conversation piece when friends came to visit. Or sometimes they stood her up (still fast asleep) in the hallway and let her hold coats and hats. But they never let anyone kiss her awake, not even their children, who numbered three.

Moral: Let sleeping princesses lie or lying princesses sleep, whichever seems wisest.


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    一天,米萨雷拉公主乘着怒气出了皇宫(怒气可不是一种马车的名字。它是一种发脾气,是公主惯有的那种)。她驾着马车跑啊跑 ,虽然头发乱蓬蓬的,她看上去还是一样的美丽。













    普莱恩·简又笑笑,鸟儿们开始唱歌。简说: “我的家就是你们的家。”



























    简看着王子,回想着刚才的吻,仿佛身在梦中。她轻声地自语道: “我多么希望他能爱上我啊。”








寓意: 对付说谎的公主最明智的做法就是让她永远酣睡。



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