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Unit Six  American Affairs (VI) 文艺体育
Lesson Eighteen: Free open-air cinema becomes an urban rite in America 


1.Iconic adj.
 Of, relating to, or having the character of an idol
2.Alfresco adj.
 Taking place outdoors; outdoor.户外的:在户外发生的;在户外的
3.Stoop v. 
 To bend forward and down from the waist or the middle of the back.屈身,弯腰:从腰部或背部中部向前向下弯曲.
4.convert v.
To change (something) from one use, function, or purpose to another; adapt to a new or different purpose.使改变,将(某物)从一种用途、功能或目的转变成另一种;使…适应于新的或不同目的.
5.amphitheatre n.
 An oval or a round structure having tiers of seats rising gradually outward from an open space or arena at the center. 圆形露天剧场:蛋形或圆形建筑,在露天的中央场地周围有逐渐向外斜上升的阶梯式座位
6.Pluck n.
 Resourceful courage and daring in the face of difficulties; spirit. 勇气,胆量:在困难面前足智多谋的勇气和胆量;精力
7.Surfeit n.
 An excessive amount.过量 
8.arcane adj.
something that is mysterious. 秘密的, 神秘的; 幽晦的
9.pier n.
A platform extending from a shore over water and supported by piles or pillars, used to secure, protect, and provide access to ships or boats. 桥墩,墩:从河岸延伸至水面以上的平台,由桩或柱子支撑,用来给船或艇保证安全、保护和提供通道.
10.jut v.
To extend outward or upward beyond the limits of the main body; project: 突出,伸出:向外或向上延伸,超出主体的界限,突出:
11.oasis n.
A fertile or green spot in a desert or wasteland, made so by the presence of water.绿洲,沙漠或不毛之地中因为有水而产生的肥沃土地或绿地
12.orchestra n.
A large group of musicians who play together on various instruments, usually including strings, woodwinds, brass instruments, and percussion instruments. 管弦乐团,用各种乐器一起演奏的一群音乐家,通常乐器包括弦乐、木管乐器、铜管乐器及打击乐器
13.ketchup n.
A condiment consisting of a thick, smooth-textured, spicy sauce usually made from tomatoes. 调味番茄酱:含有粘稠且质地平滑的辛辣酱的调味品,通常用番茄制成
14.homage n.
Special honor or respect shown or expressed publicly.  尊敬:公开表现或表达的特殊敬意
15.garish adj.
Glaring; dazzling.刺眼的;令人眩晕的 
16.plop v.
To fall with a sound like that of an object falling into water without splashing.扑通地落下,伴随着象一个落入水中而未激起水花物体的声音落下
17.yam n.
Any of numerous chiefly tropical vines of the genus Dioscorea, many of which have edible tuberous roots.  薯蓣:一种大部分为薯蓣 属的热带藤本植物,许多长有可食用的块茎状根


1. go the way of:
to get the same result like..... 走...的道路, 重蹈...的覆辙
2.get under way :
begin.开动, 开始进行
3.a surfeit of :
many, a number of. 许多,一批
4.line up
to stand in a line.整队, 排列起
5.selling point:
An aspect of a product or service that is stressed in advertising or marketing.
6.kind of:
a little .有点,有几分