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Passage C
Gaining Confidence and a Degree Online
I shudder as I remember my high school geometry class. It was something I just didn't get. I never understood how one point could be in both a line and an angle. One turns, one goes straight. Now I get it. My 33rd birthday was such a point. 一想起高中的几何课我就不寒而栗。那东西我就是弄不明白。我永远也弄不明白为什么一个点可以同时在一条直线和一个角上。它们一个是转弯的,一个是笔直的。但是我现在明白了,因为我33岁的生日就是这样一个关键点。

 I had the opportunity to have a college education paid for by my employer. All I needed was to pass with a C grade or better and my tuition and books would be reimbursed 100 percent. I had the desire to return to school. Although I held an Associate's Degree my goal had always been to earn a Bachelor's Degree. 我的老板为我付了学费,使我有机会接受大学教育。只要以“C”以上的成绩通过考试,我的学费和书本费就可全部报销。我一直都渴望能重返校园。尽管我已经有大专准学士学位证书,但是拿到大学本科学士学位一直是我的目标。

 The excuse I had been using for years --I didn't want to be away from my family -didn't work any more. My supervisor had told me about an online degree program. On the evening of my 33rd birthday, my mother-in-law told me I would be crazy to let the opportunity slip through my fingers. I agreed.  很多年来,我一直使用的一个借口 -- 我不想离开家 -- 再也不起作用了。我的主管曾给我介绍了一种网络学位课程。在我33岁生日的那天晚上,我岳母认为放弃这个到手的机会是很不明智的,我同意了她的观点。

 Three days later I made the phone call to the University. Three weeks later I started my first class. It was scary. Technology seemed to be working against me at first. But the teacher and I worked through that first stretch of uncertainty. 三天以后,我打了一个电话到这所大学。过了三个星期,我便开始了我的第一堂课。刚开始时,我非常惶惑,技术好像跟我做对似的。但是老师和我共同努力度过了最初那段心神不宁的时期。

 The classes were five weeks long and packed with information. Each class involved hours of sitting at the computer reading teacher assignments, student comments and composing answers and comments of my own. In many ways I think these classes were more demanding than a traditional college class. But I was free to decide when I wanted to do the reading and responding. 课程为期5个星期,包含了很多的信息。每一堂课我要花上几个小时在电脑前阅读老师布置的作业、学生的评论,还要提交我自己的答案和评论。在很多方面,我认为这种课比传统的大学课堂要求更加严格。但是我可以决定什么时候阅读,什么时候回答问题。

 At first, my classmates intimidated me. They held management positions. I did not. I was wrong. We were all people with a goal. We helped each other overcome the problems we had. We helped each other understand the course work. We helped each other when our other lives demanded our time and attention. 最初,同学使我产生了紧迫感。我认为他们是管理层的人,而我不是。但是我想错了。我们大家的目标一致。我们互相帮助解决遇到的问题和理解所学课程。当我们需要时间和精力来处理自己生活中的其他问题时我们也互相帮助。

 In a traditional classroom, several people typically command the conversation. Quite often, the rest of the class remains silent unless called upon. While we are formulating a response in our minds, the conversation continues to move on. The moment is lost and we've kept our insight or questions to ourselves. 在传统的课堂上,通常只有少数几个人在参与讨论。除非被点名发言,大部分情况下其他的人都只是保持沉默。就在我们还在思考答案的时候,谈话就已经进行下去了。这样一来,时机已经错过,我们只好把见解和问题仍然留在心里。

 The online classroom is different. Every student has an equal opportunity to submit ideas, comments and questions. Everyone contributes. In the online setting, I discovered that I did want to share my ideas. I had questions to ask, but I didn't have to raise my hand in front of the class, I just needed to type it out. 在传统的课堂上,通常只有少数几个人在参与讨论。除非被点名发言,大部分情况下其他的人都只是保持沉默。就在我们还在思考答案的时候,谈话就已经进行下去了。这样一来,时机已经错过,我们只好把见解和问题仍然留在心里。

Two unexpected benefits came over the two years I studied in the online program. First, written communication skills dramatically improved. I noticed a change in my own and others' work as the classes progressed. Second, I gained confidence to share my ideas. I gained a sense of who I was. Now I own my own business. I am a speaker and writer. I still share ideas with others, but now I don't have to hide behind my computer screen. 在参加网络课程的这两年中,我意外地得到了两个收获。首先,我的文字交流能力有了明显进步。随着课程的进展,我注意到自己和其他同学的学习都有了变化。其次,在发表自己的观点的时候,我更加自信。我对自己有了定位。现在我有了自己的事业。我是一个演讲家和作家。我仍然和别人交流自己的观点,不过现在我再也不用躲在计算机屏幕后面了。

 Oh, and that point, the one that can be part of either a line or an angle? It's called a turning point. When you reach one, you choose whether to continue on the path you are taking, or make a change that will take you in a new direction.  哦,关于那个点,它可以是一条直线或者一个角的一部分吗?它可以被称为转折点。当你面临转折点的时候,你可以选择继续在原来的道路上走下去或者选择一个新的方向。

(555 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007