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Passage C
Incredible Claims
By Jim Ashmore

 Every day from the time we wake up until the time we go to bed, we are bombarded with information from all sides, from TV, radio, newspapers and books; from family, friends, and colleagues. As a new cable television subscriber, I am absolutely amazed at the quantity and varying levels of information quality on cable television. Including the networks, there are eight TV "news" organizations vying to provide us with all the information we can possibly absorb. Newspapers, magazines, books, radio, the internet, email, snail mail, the telephone all compete for our attention and our minds. At the office conversations around the water cooler and coffee maker serve to spread even more items of information.  每天从一睁眼醒来到晚上睡觉,我们被来自四面八方的信息所淹没。它们有的来源于电视、收音机、报纸和书本,有的来源于家人、朋友和同事。作为一个有线电视用户,我对有线电视传播的数量如此之多而且层次各异的信息感到万分惊讶。包括网络在内,共有八家"新闻"机构在互相竞争,为我们提供我们可能吸收的最大量的信息。报纸、杂志、书本、收音机、因特网、电子邮件、传统信件、电话等,都在力争引起我们的关注,渗入我们的头脑。办公室里关于水冷却器和咖啡壶边的谈话更是传播小道消息的渠道。

 There is valuable information out there about the world we live in, on topics as varied as health, safety, traffic, nutrition, business, finance, philosophy, nature, science, weather, history and the human condition. There is also a large amount of misleading and outright false information, not just on controversial subjects such as politics and religion but on any topic one can think of, including all of the topics mentioned above.  这些信息都与我们所生活的世界有关,主题涉及很多方面,从健康、安全、交通、营养、商务、金融、哲学、自然、科学、气候、历史直到人类状况,等等。然而,也存在很多误导人的甚至是完全错误的信息,不仅包括了像政治和宗教之类易起争端的话题,包括了上述主题在内所有我们能想到的话题。

 With all this information coming to us from all directions, how does one sift through it all to sort out the facts from the fiction, the truth from the lies, the more important from the less important? Should we turn off the TV, cancel our newspaper subscriptions, disconnect our phones and modems to become information "hermits"? Probably not.  面对所有这些从四面八方向我们涌来的信息,人们应该怎样分析筛选,分清事实和虚构,真理和谎言,重要的和琐碎等?难道要我们关上电视机,取消订阅报纸或者关掉电话和调制解调器而变成一个信息"隐士"吗?。应该不是这样的。

 A better method of sifting through the information wave without being overwhelmed and confused is to become a skeptical inquirer -or skeptic --- with regard to the surrounding world. By "skeptic" I do not mean a cynic - a person who rejects new ideas simply because they are new. A skeptic is one who questions the validity of a particular claim by calling for evidence to prove or disprove it. Skepticism is a method, not a position. It is a provisional approach to all factual claims. In terms of processing information, a skeptic needs to be able to grasp reality and acquire knowledge about the environment that agrees with reason, logic, and evidence. In other words, as skeptics, when we hear a claim that may or may not be fantastic, we should say, "That's nice, prove it."  要想不被这些纷纭繁杂的信息弄得不知所措,就要作一个怀疑派,-也就是不要轻信外部世界。 这不失为更佳的仔细筛选信息的方法。所谓"怀疑派"并不是指一个愤世嫉俗者,这种人拒绝新观点仅仅是因为这些观点的新颖。怀疑派提倡用证据来证实或者否定某一观点的正确性。怀疑主义是一种方法而非立场。它是达到真理的临时办法。就处理信息这一点而言,怀疑主义者需要能够把握住现实,并且他要掌握的有关外界的知识要经得住推理、逻辑和证明的验证。换句话说,作为怀疑派,当我们听到一个奇异与否的论断的时候,我们应该说,"很好,请予证明!"

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007