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Course 1 >Unit 7 > Passage B > Exercises
Exercises > Content Awareness:Read and think
 Read and think> Exercise 11

11. Choose the best answer to each question with the information you got from the passage.

  1. Why does the author mention his young son before talking about himself?  
    A) To show how simple and common his method of learning is.
    B) To get parents of lazy children to read his article.
    C) To entertain the reader with a familiar example.
    D) To get some children to read his article.

  2. How does the author compare the methods he used in tennis, computers, and business?  
    A) He says each of these required a completely different method.
    B) He says each of these required a somewhat different method.
    C) He says each of these required exactly the same simple method.
    D) He says he is not sure whether they were the same.

  3. Why does the author write so many observations in his journals?  
    A) He thinks he has a very poor memory for facts and details.
    B) He wants to publish the journals and make some money.
    C) He eventually wants to show the journals to his son.
    D) Writing things down helps him summarize and apply his observations.

  4. What does the author mean by emulating another person?  
    A) To exactly copy that person
    B) To model upon that person
    C) To greatly admire that person
    D) To read everything about that person

  5. If the author wanted to learn to play a guitar, what would he be most likely to do first?  
    A) Buy the best and most expensive guitar.
    B) Talk to other students who have guitars.
    C) Get VCD's of the world's best guitarists.
    D) Write fan letters to some famous guitarists.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007