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Passage B
The Best Way to Learn: Creative Emulation

  开始朗读 I have a young son. I notice every day that he learns something new. It did not take long for me to see he was watching me and then trying to do whatever I did. Utilizing this simple method he has learned to walk, run, open doors, and climb stairs. When he does these things he never looks exactly like I do. He supplements his actions with his own creative touch. I call how he learns creative emulation.  我有个小儿子,我注意到他每天都在学些新东西。没过多久我就发现他在观察我,之后我做什么他就会学着做什么。就用这种简单的办法他学会了走路、跑步、开门、爬楼梯。他做这些事情从不完全学我的样子,而是加进自己创造的特色,我把他的这种学习方法称作创造性模仿。

 开始朗读 I used creative emulation to help me attain my goal of playing tennis on the pro circuit I used several methods to creatively emulate those players who were winning pro tournaments. I would read every tennis book I could find in the library and .bookstores. I examined back issues of every tennis magazine looking for articles on techniques. I would watch top pros on television. I would videotape pro matches and play them back, sometimes in slow motion. I would go to see pros play in person. As I studied I made observations. I wrote most of these ideas in my personal journal, which consisted of several notebooks and thousands of index cards. I used this journal to help me apply what I had observed. This process converted me from a third-string player on a second-rate college tennis team to someone who could win a few minor tournaments on the pro circuit. Along the way I developed one of the best approaches to learning tennis there is. 创造性模仿让我实现了参加职业网球巡回赛的目标。我用几种方法创造性的模仿那些职业锦标赛的胜利者。我通读了在图书馆和书店里能找到的每一本有关网球的书。我仔细研究每一本过期的网球杂志,寻找各种关于网球技术的文章;我在电视上观看职业选手的比赛;我把职业网球比赛实况进行录像并反复播放,有时候还要用慢镜头播放;我还去现场看职业比赛。边学边观察,将绝大部分心得写在日记里。我记的日记有好几本,还做了上千的索引卡片。这些笔记帮助我将看到的用于实践。就这样,我从一个二流大学网球队的三流选手变成一个小型职业比赛的夺冠者。创造性模仿使我找到了学习网球技术的最好办法。

  开始朗读 Shortly after finishing my Ph.D., I established a goal of starting a part-time business lecturing and conducting seminars. I used the same creative emulation to help me reach my goal. The next stage of my transition to the business world was my purchase of a computer in early 1985. I once again tried to learn all I could about how I could use this machine in business. I subscribed to computer periodicals. I learned how to use spreadsheet, database, word processing, graphics, desktop publishing, and outlining processing software. I wrote down almost every idea I get from my readings or my own thinking and published articles. I became a part-time computer hardware and software agent and consultant. 获得博士学位不久,我又打算开办一个业余行当--开学习班。又是创造性模仿帮助我来实现我的目标。1985年初我买了一台电脑,这是我向商界过渡的第一步。我再一次竭尽全力学习如何在工作中使用这台电脑。订阅电脑期刊,学习使用电子制表软件、数据库、文字处理、制图、桌面排版系统以及大纲处理软件。我记下书本上的或是我自己思考的以及从发表的文章里得来的几乎每一个想法。我成为了一名兼职电脑硬软件经销商和顾问。

  开始朗读 Because of the software skills I now had, I became confident of my ability to do more significant things in business. I realized that I could manage complex projects that 1involved many co-workers, customers, resources, and products. I started doing seminars to the public in 1988. These went so well that I was able to leave traditional education for good in 1989. My one-person home business bloomed over the years into a collection of larger enterprises which have taught at least 11 000 adults computer and business skills. 因为有了这些软件技术,我开始自信自己能做更大的生意。我意识到我能管个大企业,有许多同事、顾客、物资和产品。1988年,我向公众开放了学习班业务,非常成功,所以我在1989年能够永远舍弃传统教育这一行。几年以后,原本只有我一个人的家庭行业发展成了一个大集团公司,至少培养了11,000名成人学习电脑和商务技术。

  开始朗读 My success tells me that the key to successful creative emulation is to emulate the successful people, the doers of the world. The best way to emulate someone in business is to follow him or her around and make observations of what they do. If you do this long enough, with the right person, and apply what you observe you should succeed. The second best way to emulate is to listen or read about what your model businessperson or mentor does and how he does it. The more you know about how your mentor succeeds the more clues you will have to help you succeed. 我的成功表明,创造性模仿的成功秘诀在于模仿世上那些成功的人和实干的人。在业务上模仿他人的最好办法就是跟踪观察他们,看他们如何行事。如果这样做得久了,又跟对了人,并且将观察到的用于实践,你就会成功。第二个最好的途径就是多听多读你的表率人物或者说导师的所作所为,看他们是如何做到的。对他们的成功之道了解越多,助你成功的线索也就越多。
(562 words)
©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007