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Passage A
Notes to the Text
1. Sophia Stella...is one of many undergraduates who become involved, one way or another, in research performed at the university (para.1):
     Sophia Stella is one of many students who participated somehow in undergraduate research at Columbia's School of Engineering.

one way or another: somehow; however you can (perhaps despite some difficulty)

     Almost every country becomes involved, one way or another, when there's a World War.
     If you care about your work you'll always get there on time, one way or another.

2. Students and professors agree that an undergraduate research project can be uniquely beneficial to both parties (para.1):
     Students and professors both find undergraduate research helpful.

beneficial: adj. Helpful

     Going to class more often may be beneficial to your grade.
     Encouraging people not to throw garbage onto the street is beneficial to society.

3. Ideally, undergraduate research is an opportunity for the kind of intensive study that can expand the mind in ways traditional courses can't (para.2):
     Undergraduate research allows students to think more deeply for themselves than traditional courses do.

expand the mind: stimulate curiosity and learning

     Reading Einstein's biography expanded my mind as I began to understand the Theory of Relativity.
     You can expand your mind by traveling and meeting interesting people.

4. it isn't just... but rather... (para.2):
      it's true (that)... but it's more important (that)...

     It isn't just the stifling heat, but rather the dripping humidity that makes Changsha uncomfortable in the summer.
     It isn't just the award you received, but rather the confidence you showed in the competition that makes me proud.

5. When students see a discipline as evolving rather than fixed, they usually get a lot more excited about learning (para.2):
     Students enjoy the process of seeing new knowledge being created.               当学生认识到一门学科是发的而非静止的,他们就会对学习产生更大的兴趣,

see ... as...: consider ...to be ..., regard ... as ...

     It would be disappointing if you see the ugly building as a work of art.
     If you see the Beatles's later songs as poetry, you'll understand them better.

6 He also describes how creating a piece of original research instilled a "pride of authorship" in his work (para.4):
     Students are proud when they see their own work becoming part of the new knowledge created by the research.      他还认为,一项有创意的独特研究会让你的工作充满"独家创造的自豪"

original research: research done on one's own, perhaps on a new topic or in search of new facts or theories on an old topic

     Anyone who earns a doctorate is expected to do original research.
     Many scientists competed to do original research that might prove or disprove Einstein's new theory.

pride of authorship: satisfaction at seeing one's own work in print

Examples: It was his first publication, so his pride of authorship was understandable even though the article was very short.
     I have no pride of authorship in this draft, so you may change it however you like.

6. In some departments a research project might constitute an honors thesis (para.5):
     A research project may meet a requirement in a special program for honors students, who must write an extra research paper to graduate with honors.     有些系的学生通过做研究项目,可能据此写出一篇(教学计划规定之外的)论文,从而在毕业时获得(这个学科的单科优秀)荣誉。

honors thesis: An honors student who does an extra research project in the major and writes a research paper can graduate with honors. This extra research project paper is usually called an honor thesis, which resembles a short master's thesis.

     She had good grades but wanted to get into graduate school, so she did an honors thesis to impress the graduate admissions committee.
     In Australia it's expected that most future postgraduates will do an honors thesis while they are still undergraduates.      在澳大利亚,大多数未来的研究生会被要求读本科时就写一篇荣誉论文。

7. paid research work gives her an opportunity to transform a work-study job into an engaging aspect of her education (para.6):
     Working part-time for the college can be made more interesting and informative if it involves research.

work-study job: part-time job on campus

     My work-study job was to deliver inter-office mail on the campus, which allowed me to meet many interesting people while earning money to pay for college.
     If you can't get a work-study job, you should look for a job off-campus.

8. on... basis (para.7): a longer way to create an adverb from the noun

     I tutored my friend on a volunteer basis, in other words, voluntarily.
     A spy operates secretly, in other words, by obtaining information on a secret basis.

9. Usually, these are students pursuing a career that requires some demonstration of altruistic commitment, such as medicine (para.7):
     These students have chosen careers which involve helping other people, such as being a doctor.     这些学生将来从事的职业通常需要他们关心他人,比如当医生。

demonstration: n. evidence, proof; illustration or example

(demonstration of ) altruistic commitment: (evidence of) a desire to help other people

     Fruit falling offers a demonstration of gravity.
     His willingness to work with AIDS patients was a clear demonstration of his altruistic commitment.



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