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Read each sentence below and determine the part of speech of the underlined word. Then, choose the dictionary meaning that best defines the word and write its part of speech and meaning number in the blanks.

1. As she relived the suffering, fear and humiliation of the past 30 years, tears rolled down her cheeks.

Part of speech ( )

Meaning number ( )


2. I'd say I wanted to go to the toilet, or pretend to cry.

Part of speech ( )

Meaning number ( )


3. Afterward, as I paced around my little room, I started to feel like a fool.

Part of speech ( )

Meaning number ( )


4. Another Village neighbor was a handsome young singer who ran a struggling restaurant.

Part of speech ( )

Meaning number ( )


5. I could picture myself once again huddled over the typewriter in that cold, bleak, one-room apartment.

Part of speech ( )

Meaning number ( )


6. The river was set on gravel which let the water through.

Part of speech ( )

Meaning number ( )



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