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A. Determining the main idea. 

   Choose the best answer. Do not refer to the text.

The main idea of the story is that ________.( )

(a) the narrator, deeply impressed by the scenery of Nepal, decided to help the poor people in that country

(b) the narrator helped a poor beautiful little girl in Nepal and adopted her as his daughter

(c) deeply stirred by the misery of a beautiful little girl in Nepal, the narrator did something to improve her life

(d) the miserable life of a beautiful little girl in Nepal disappointed the narrator, who returned to America to seek adoption of her.

B. Comprehending the text.

   Choose the best answer.

1. The house the narrator stayed in was ________.( )

(a) spacious and clean

(b) low and smelly

(c) bright but smelly

(d) clean but smelly

2. Yaks are important to the people of Nepal because ________.( )

(a) they are docile and good-natured

(b) they are rare animals

(c) their manure can be used as an excellent fuel

(d) they play a vital role in the country's economy

3. The members of the trek first gathered in ________.( )

(a) Kumjung

(b) Luka

(c) Kathmandu

(d) Mt. Everest (Qomolangma)

4. The girl appeared to the narrator to be ________ at first.  ( )

(a) curious and sad

(b) always smiling

(c) indifferent

(d) absent-minded

5. Other people treated Pasang Puti as an outcast because ________.( )

(a) she was poor

(b) she was a yak-maid

(c) she was an orphan

(d) she was like a mannequin

6. When the narrator wanted to get to the outhouse he had to ________.( )

(a) have others accompany him

(b) cross yak territory

(c) ask the beautiful girl for help

(d) awaken other people

7. When the torchlight sprang back to life, the narrator ________.( )

(a) found he was lying on his back

(b) was surprised to see some formidable ghosts

(c) found the horns of a yak were pointing at him

(d) was surprised to see some wild beasts standing close to him

8. With the help of the narrator Pasang Puti ________.( )

(a) got some new clothes

(b) could go to school

(c) became a happy girl

(d) all of the above


C. Understanding vocabulary.

   Choose the correct definition according to the context.

1. Our party of four old-timers, of whom I, at seventy-one, was the oldest, had convened a week earlier in Kathmandu, the capital, and had met our journey leader Nancy Jo there.  ( )

(a) gathered

(b) stayed

(c) walked

(d) rested

2. From there, three days of magnificent trekking through great scenery had brought us to the village of Kumjung.  ( )

(a) travelling

(b) sightseeing

(c) playing

(d) driving

3. A wooden stairway, equipped with the luxury of a handrail, led upstairs.  ( )

(a) comfort

(b) expense

(c) necessity

(d) uselessness

4. I groped my way to a door, opened it, and instantly began to cough.  ( )

(a) walked

(b) felt

(c) jumped

(d) tramped

5. In the haze I saw two of my trek mates.  ( )

(a) darkness

(b) light

(c) thin mist

(d) heavy smog

6. I quickly washed up, then joined the boiled potato feast.  ( )

(a) achievement

(b) party

(c) meal

(d) meeting

7. Curiosity gripped me.  ( )

(a) surprised

(b) disappointed

(c) got rid of

(d) took hold of

8. I held onto the rail with a feeble grip and began to descend the treacherous steps.  ( )

(a) insecure

(b) tricky

(c) complicated

(d) wicked

9. On the fourth step down I slipped, fell, and was just barely able, with my right hand, to check my slide.  ( )

(a) examine

(b) push

(c) stop

(d) pull

10. Then the girl came up the stairs, helped me to my feet, guided me to the outhouse, and afterwards escorted me back to my bunk.  ( )

(a) carried

(b) accompanied

(c) saw

(d) helped

11. Then my trek mates and our crew came, and soon a boiled potato gathering was in full swing.  ( )

(a) in a circle

(b) fully under way

(c) in round

(d) in progress


D. Discussing the following topics.

1. How did Pasang Puti save the narrator?

2. What did the narrator do to help Pasang Puti afterwards?


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