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Read the following passage and write a summary of it.

    Once you've found a hobby that interests you, it's important to have your family's permission and approval before you start it. There may be a number of practical reasons for ruling out the particular hobby you've chosen. You may want very much to raise dogs, for example. But if you live in an apartment, raising dogs isn't very practical.

    Make sure, too, that the hobby doesn't strain your allowance or the family budget. You can't expect your parents to be enthusiastic about a brand new hobby that requires buying a great deal of expensive equipment right at the start. Until you're sure your interest will last, start out on a small scale. If you're beginning to collect stamps, you won't need the largest, most expensive album at first. If you're going to make enamel jewelry, you may be able to share a friend's kiln for a while; and if you've decided to play the guitar, you might try renting one for a few months.

    A good way to start your hobby is to work with a friend who shares your interest. Often you can pick up an amazing amount of information and valuable advice from a fellow hobbyist. Hobby clubs, too, are an excellent idea. There may be an after-school group in your own school, or you can ask in your local hobby shop about clubs in your area. A hobby magazine is another good source of ideas and information, and if you feel you need more background on a certain subject, you can go to your school or community library.



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