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A. Determining the main idea. 

   Choose the best answer.  Do not refer to the text.

The main idea of the story is that ________.( )

(a) the bond between fathers and sons is unbreakable

(b) a son found that his father was his whole world

(c) a son found that his father was his whole world

(d) a father hoped that his son would have a better future


B. Comprehending the text.

   Choose the best answer.

1. In the eyes of the author, the attitude of his father towards life was ________.( )

(a) pessimistic

(b) optimistic

(c) indifferent

(d) uncertain

2. The father asked his son to look up the word "sarcasm" in the dictionary because ________.( )

(a) the latter didn't know the meaning of the word

(b) the latter was scornful of his family members

(c) the latter wanted to impress his girl friend

(d) the father didn't know the meaning of the word

3. When did the author begin to understand the loneliness of his father?  ( )

(a) At the age of ten.

(b) When he lost his father.  

(c) When he found that his father loved him unconditionally.

(d) When he was a school boy.

4. Before his own son came, the author thought that ________.( )

(a) he would become a father himself

(b) becoming a father was something great

(c) dirty diapers and responsibilities were enjoyable

(d) he should write down important things

5. The author learned what to do as a good father from ________.( )

(a) a school for fathers

(b) books

(c) other people

(d) his own father

6. With the coming of Miles, the author found that ________.( )

(a) his son was his new hope

(b) his own father's hope still existed

(c) it was enough for a father to just love his son

(d) his son had a better future

7. The author feels that his relationship with his step-father is ________.( )

(a) unnatural

(b) unnecessary

(c) unfortunate

(d) unerring

8. The author has taken pictures to show the relationship between father and son because ________.( )

(a) he considers the mother-son relationship to be less significant

(b) he thinks that moms get all the credit while dads don't

(c) he doesn't have a good relationship with his mother

(d) he wants to solute the present generation of fathers

9. Which of the following cannot be found in the author's photos?  ( )

(a) Fathers rediscovering their sons.

(b) Fatherless sons or sonless fathers.

(c) Fathers separated from their sons because of divorce.

(d) Fathers unable to love their sons.

10. Sons make their fathers proud by ________.( )

(a) being presidents

(b) winning championships

(c) feeling that they once meant the whole world to them

(d) regarding them as their models


C. Understanding vocabulary.

   Choose the correct definition according to the context.

1. Life must have been lonely for a boy losing his father at such a young age, but Dad never wallowed in self-pity.  ( )

(a) lowered

(b) suffered

(c) indulged himself

(d) hesitated

2. There are fathers who have watched their sons combat a fatal disease.  ( )

(a) cure

(b) study

(c) fight

(d) suffer from

3. I went to the bookstores and scoured the shelves for something that would give me recipe for being a good father.  ( )

(a) looked at

(b) searched

(c) poured

(d) bought

4. The day he died was the hardest day of my life. My world had hinged on him.  ( )

(a) depended

(b) changed

(c) hanged

(d) hindered

5. I began to appreciate how lonely he must have been when his own father died.  ( )

(a) enjoy

(b) understand

(c) know

(d) find

6. Here I was, endeavoring to take on the biggest commitment of my life, and I had nothing to tell me what to do.  ( )

(a) endangering

(b) enduring

(c) trying

(d) wondering

7. Miles taught me that the hope my father had in abundance did not die with him.  ( )

(a) scarcity

(b) dreams

(c) offspring

(d) profusion

8. Where are the millions of men who toil day after day, sacrificing their own needs in order to fulfill the needs of their family?  ( )

(a) giving up

(b) satisfying

(c) thinking of

(d) seeking

9. Over the years, I have taken pictures to salute the men who are raising the next generation of fathers.  ( )

(a) memorize

(b) show my respect for

(c) praise

(d) arouse

10. You'll see sons who are making their fathers proud - not because they are star athletes, millionaires, or celebrities.  ( )

(a) famous people

(b) artists

(c) money-makers

(d) scholars

11. Other fathers are watching their sons cope with the demons of today.  ( )

(a) diseases

(b) difficulties

(c) poverty

(d) evils

12. The photos are designed to encompass the relationship between father and son.  ( )

(a) include

(b) show

(c) improve

(d) enhance


D. Discussing the following topics.

   1. What do you think makes a good father?



2. The author says, "Being a father (parent) is a pretty thankless job." Do you agree? Give your reasons.


3. What should be the proper relationship between fathers and daughters?




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