您现在的位置:首页>>英语泛读教程二>UNIT 13


A. Choose the best answer. Do not refer to the text.

The main idea of the story is that ________.( )

(a) Armand Bernaud was captured by Nazi army and his children continued his fight against the Nazi invaders

(b) the Free French Underground led the French people in fighting bravely against Nazi invaders

(c) In the face of Nazi officers the Bernauds behaved cleverly and successfully protected the secret information

(d) Nazi officers kept close watch on the Bernauds but failed to discover the secret in the candle


B. Comprehending the text.

   Choose the best answer.

1. Although Jacqueline was only ten years of age, she  ________.( )

(a) had grown up quickly as a result of her war experiences

(b) was forbidden to play with dolls

(c) sensed the danger her family was facing

(d) had carried messages for the Free French Underground

2.The lives of Jacques and Jacqueline were in danger because, ________.( )

(a) their father was a prisoner of war

(b) their mother was aiding the Free French Underground

(c) every French civilian was suspected of spying for the underground movement

(d) their country was occupied by the Nazi army

3. Jacques was often afraid because ________.( )

(a) he knew how cunning the Gestapos were

(b) his sister was so young

(c) the Kommandant of Dieppe kept close watch on his activities

(d) he knew the consequences of being caught carrying messages for the underground movement

4. A little metal capsule contained the "death warrant", which stood for ________.( )

(a) information about allied secret service agents

(b) dead soldiers

(c) the people that died in Nazi prisons

(d) information about train schedules

5. The capsule was put in a candle and as a result ________.( )

(a) the candle could not be burned

(b) the candle could be burned as usual

(c) the candle could be partially burned    

(d) the candle could be completely burned

6. When Madame Bernaud fetched a lamp from the kitchen ________.( )

(a) the candle was no longer burning

(b) the candle was still burning

(c) the candle had burned out

(d) the candle was first put out but relit by one German officer

7. Jacques wanted to take the candle away, saying that he wanted to get some firewood, but ________.( )

(a) he was afraid that would arouse the suspicion of the Germans

(b) the German lieutenant prevented him from doing so

(c) the German lieutenant forced him to stay in the room

(d) he was too nervous to do that

8. The family was saved in the end because ________.( )

(a) the German major liked Jacqueline

(b) the Germans left before the candle burned out

(c) Jacqueline was able to take away the candle before it burnt out

(d) Jacqueline had removed the capsule from the candle before it burnt out 


C. Understanding vocabulary.

   Choose the correct definition according to the context.

1. Into the humble home of Armand Bernaud, in the Grande Rue, Dieppe, suspense and the shadow of death were invited.  ( )

(a) suspicion

(b) uncertainty

(c) hardships

(d) expectation

2. He had carried messages and acted as lookout.  ( )

(a) person sent to attract enemy's attention

(b) person assigned to protect the message

(c) person assigned to be on the watch

(d) person sent to set up signposts

3. While death might beckon at any time, its dark shadow came directly into their home sometime after dusk every Thursday.  ( )

(a) make an unnoticed departure

(b) make a signaling or summoning gesture

(c) make a fatal stroke

(d) make a sudden dash

4. In order to deceive even the shrewd German Secret Field Police who sometimes headed unwelcome search parties, the candle was partially burned.  ( )

(a) stupid

(b) searching

(c) cruel

(d) cunning

5. They were reports compiled by allied secret service agents.  ( )

(a) gathered

(b) copied

(c) sent

(d) created

6. “I have instructions from the Kommandantur to settle an officer in this house.  ( )

(a) receive an officer as a guest

(b) solve some disputes with an officer

(c) give an order to an officer

(d) let an officer live ... as a lodger

7. Then she snuffed out the candle.  ( )

(a) put out

(b) moved away

(c) turned off

(d) used out

8. His mind had grown suddenly numb; seconds seemed hours.  ( )

(a) acute

(b) insensitive

(c) indifferent

(d) painful

9. As the candle flickered out, so would their lives.  ( )

(a) shone brightly and then died out

(b) fluttered and became dim

(c) burnt unsteadily and gradually died out

(d) burnt brightly and then became dim

10. Surely a telltale hole in the melted wax would expose the end of the metal capsule concealed in the base of the candle.  ( )

(a) a hole that revealed the secret

(b) a hole that was able to tell a story

(c) a hole that was able to be used in a tale

(d) a hole that appeared in a tale


D. Discussing the following topics.

1. How did the Bernauds serve their country during the Nazi occupation?




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