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Passage One

    Imagine you go to the beach and find a sign: "Water Polluted - No Swimming Allowed." That's what happened to actor Ted Danson in 1984. The experience changed his life. Worried that his daughters (then aged 5 and 10) couldn't plunge into the ocean the way he had as a teen, Danson founded the American Oceans Campaign, an organization aimed at protecting Earth’s oceans and coastal waters.

    "Our oceans feed the world, cool our planet, regulate (调节) climate, and create nearly one-half of the global oxygen supply," Danson says. He's not joking. Fish are the main source of dietary protein (营养蛋白质) for nearly 1 billion people - most of them in developing nations. Oceans absorb and radiate the Sun's heat to help keep Earth's temperature in balance. Microscopic plants (微生物) that live on the ocean’s surface take in carbon dioxide to make food - and the precious oxygen we need to breathe.

    "Yet each day, billions of gallons of sewage (污水), pesticides (杀虫剂,农药), and industrial chemicals flow into the sea," Danson says. According to a United Nations report on the marine environment, about 80 percent of all marine pollution comes from human activities (like farming and driving) on land. Even if you live hundreds of miles from the nearest seashore, Danson adds, each day, Earth's atmosphere recycles (回收利用) billions of kiloliters of salty seawater and turns it into fresh water. Ocean water evaporates (蒸发) and rises into the atmosphere. There it condenses (冷凝聚) and falls to Earth as rain or snow. This fresh water collects in rivers, streams, and lakes or goes deep into the earth. These are the main sources of our drinking water.

Human activities - like mining, forest clearing, farming, and manufacturing - pollute these freshwater sources, too. But it's not too late to turn the tide, Danson says. You can help by conserving water and working to keep it clean.

    (321 words)


   1. The sign "Water Polluted - No Swimming Allowed" means ________.( )

(a) the water is for special use and you can't swim in it

(b) the water is not healthy to human body and no one is to swim in it

(c) the water is dirty and you can't swim in it without special permission

(d) the water is clean drinking water and you are not allowed to swim in it

2. The experience changed Danson's life in that ________.( )

(a) he founded an organization to protect oceans

(b) he no longer swam in the ocean

(c) he became actively involved in the protection of air, water, and soil

(d) he gave up acting and began to work for the American Oceans Campaign

3. We need the oceans which do all of the following except ________.( )

(a) feeding the world

(b) cooling the earth

(c) regulating climate

(d) supplying carbon dioxide

4.How much of the marine pollution comes from human activities on land?  ( )

(a) 100 %

(b) 80 %

(c) 60 %

(d) 40 %

5. Which of the following is the correct cycle (循环) of water as far as our drinking water is concerned?  ( )

(a) Rivers->oceans->rain->drinking water.

(b) Oceans->rain->rivers->drinking water.

(c) Rain->oceans->rivers->drinking water.

(d) Oceans->rivers->rain->drinking water.

6. Which of the following is a more suitable title for the passage?  ( )

(a) Danson and His Organization

(b) Fighting Ocean Pollution

 (c) Sea Pollution

(d) Drinking Water Comes from the Oceans                             TOP 


Passage Two

    You don't have to set up a foundation or spend hours raising money to help the environment. Joey Gordon-Levitt, 16, does his part by simply collecting his newspapers, plastic, and cans - and have them recycled.

"Everyone should recycle," the teen star says.

    Singer and actor Better Midler goes a step further - She picks up other people’s garbage (垃圾). For example, Midler has helped remove truckloads of trash from Fort Tryon Park in New York City.

    Such simple efforts at trash collection and reduction are catching on. Last year, the Environmental Protection Agency counted 7 500 recycling programs in the United States. That's up from just 1 000 programs in 1988. Almost half of the country's population now lives in towns and cities with curbside recycling.

    So we're on the right track to reducing trash. But we still have a long way to go. In 1994, about 40 percent of paper products and plastic soda bottles produced in this country were recycled. But only 2 percent of food packaging (包装) was recovered! We also have to work on creating more demand for recycled material. You can help by checking labels - and buying products made from recovered paper, plastic, and metal.

Recycling saves resources like water and trees, and cuts down on air pollution. So what are you waiting for? Get to work taking care of our "rock."

    "If we don't , we'll all have to move to Mars," says Gordon-Levitt. "The only problem is that we don't know how to do that yet!"

    (253 words)


    7. The author of the passage suggests that you ________ to help the environment.  ( )

(a) set up a fund

(b) raise money

(c) recycle trash

(d) move to Mars

8. What does Joey Gordon-Levitt do to help the environment?  ( )

(a) He raises money in the street.

(b) He drives a truck carrying trash away.

(c) He sells newspapers.

(d) He collects used things that can be recycled.

9. What is unusual about Better Midler?  ( )

(a) She helps the environment.

(b) She picks up other people's trash.

(c) She collects newspapers, plastic and cans like Gordon-Levitt.

(d) She urges other people to take their garbage out of the city.

10. In 1994, 40 % of the paper products and plastic soda bottles produced in America were recycled. But ________ of food packaging was recovered.  ( )

(a) none

(b) only half

(c) 20 %

(d) 2 %       

11. To help recycle waste material, we can do all of the following except ________.( )

(a) creating more demand for recycled material

(b) buying products made from recycled paper, plastic and metal

(c) collecting used things such as paper, plastic and metal

(d) using recycled material only in packaging

12. The last sentence in the passage means that we don't know how to ________.( )

(a) find an effective way to reduce trash

(b) reuse and recycle trash

(c) take care of our environment

(d) move to Mars                    

13. The passage discusses ________.( )

(a) simple ways to help the environment

(b) picking garbage for recycling

(c) the danger of pollution

(d) the present condition of our environment                         TOP


Passage Three

    Growing up on Long Island, N.Y., actor Ed Begley, Jr. loved to camp out in the woods. But at age 13, Begley and his family moved to the San Fernando Valley in California. There he saw huge pieces of land changed to shopping malls. Pollution from cars and factories cast a haze over the valley. "When I ran down to my friend's house, I found I could barely breathe," Begley says. "The smog (烟雾) was choking us."

    Since then, Begley has become a supporter of environmental causes, including the fight against air pollution. Knowing that car exhausts can lead to problems such as breathing, Begley refuses to ride in gas-powered cars. Instead, he rides a fold-up bike that assembles (装配) in 20 seconds. Or, he drives an electric car.

    (132 words)


14. Begley supports environmental causes for all the reasons below except that ________.( )

(a) cars and factories cause too much pollution

(b) huge pieces of land are being turned into shopping centers

(c) pollution makes it difficult for people to breathe

(d) he prefers bicycles to cars

15. Begley prefers to use a fold-up bike because ________.( )

(a) he wants to save money

(b) a bike is more convenient

(c) he wants to reduce pollution

(d) he can hardly breathe in a car                                   TOP




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