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JFK Still A Hot Debate

JFK conspiracy theorist will be happy to know that 70% of Americans also think something was fishy about the assignation of President John F. Kennedy some forty years ago.
The conspiracy has been reignited with looming anniversary of the assignation. Kennedy was killed in Dallas on November 22, 1963. ABC NEWS plans to delve deeper into the controversy with a special hosted by Peter Jennings.

"The Kennedy Assassination - Beyond Conspiracy " is scheduled to air at 9 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 20. But the show is said to debunk a lot of theories about the shooting and a computer generated re-enactment actually backsup the official government claim that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

That doesn't matter, an ABC News poll found that a little less than a third of American's buy the official story of the assignation that was presented by the Warren Commission in 1964, that found that Oswald was a lone gunman.

A little over half of those polled believe that there was a second gunman... "Grassy Knoll" anyone? Get Oliver Stone on the phone!

What's worst is over two thirds of Americans seem to think that there was "an official "cover-up. But when pressed on how convinced they are about their opinions, the numbers fall dramatically.

With the anniversary next Saturday we are sure to hear more about these theories in the coming week.

Sample of ABC Poll:
Suspect a Plot
70 % (46% in 1966)
Think it Was One Man
22% (34% in 1966)
The theories seem to be stronger with those under 65.
Age 18-64 (65+ in brackets)
Think unanswered questions remain
68% (50%)
Suspect a conspiracy
72% (59%)
Suspect a second gunman
53% (39%)
Suspect a cover-up
70% (56%)

But ABC failed to ask one burning question that remains - "Who Shot J.R.?"