6.6.3 Hierarchies

  In 6.4.5 we briefly touched upon inclusion of meaning. In 6.5 it was shown that hyponymy can be approached from two perspectives, i.e. reference and sense. Here in this section we see inclusion of word meaning as a conceptual network. In terms of reference FURNITURE includes CHAIR which includes ARMCHAIR, DINING CHAIR, ROCKING CHAIR, etc, as shown below:

  The network is composed of three levels or hierarchies: a superordinate level, a basic level, and a subordinate level. It has been found that the levels differ in usefulness. The lower the level, the more features, and therefore the more specific. The basic level is identified as cognitively most important, because this level is used most frequently in daily life. The words at the basic level are acquired earlier by children and learned more easily in a foreign/second language than those at the other two levels.

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