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Exercises > Content Awareness:Read and think
 Read and think> Exercise 11

1. Complete the following statements based on the information from the passage.

  1. Kelly McKee didn't think of taking Distance Education courses because__________. 
    A) taking Distance Education courses was a lot of work
    B) she was satisfied with her previous education
    C) there was nothing she particularly wanted to learn
    D) she had a suitable education for her previous career

  2. Kelley's life was changed so much by the accident that she ________. 
    A) needed constant help in daily life
    B) couldn't live without her doctor's help
    C) needed to use a wheelchair
    D) had to hire a person to take care of her

  3. Kelley didn't choose traditional education because ________.  
    A) she didn't like it
    B) her family needed her at home
    C) it wouldn't take married students
    D) she was disabled

  4. Distance Education was of great importance to Kelly because ________.  
    A) She could become a better educated person
    B) She could set a good example to her children and help them
    C) She could have other opportunities to work and achieve her goals
    D) All of the above

  5. According to the academic advisors for Distance Education, their mission is ________.  
    A) to help any student who cannot go to the campus to have quality education
    B) to provide the students with the best education they can offer on the campus
    C) to bring education to a great geographic distance using modern technology
    D) to help disabled students who cannot otherwise have their education

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007