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Words and Expressions

certificate n. official statement that may be used as proof or evidence of certain facts 证(明); official paper stating that one has completed a course of study (结业、修课)证书
  circumstance   n. (plural) the condition that affect a situation, action, event etc. 情况,情形,环境
  comment   v. to express an opinion about someone or somebody 发表意见,评论
      n. written or spoken remark giving an opinion on, explaining or criticizing (an event, a person, a situation, etc.) 意见,评论
  counsel   v. to advise someone 建议,忠告
disable   v. (often passive) to make someone unable to use a part of their body properly 使丧失能力,使伤残
disability   n. a physical problem that makes someone unable to use a part of their body 残疾,伤残
  graduation   n. the time when you complete a program of study at a school or college of any sort 毕业
  impact   n. the effect or influence that an event, situation, etc. has on somebody 冲击,影响
  individual   n. one person, considered separately from the rest of the group or society that they live in 个人,个体
  injure   v. to cause physical harm to someone or to yourself 伤害,损害
  inspire   v. to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to achieve something great 鼓舞,激励
  intention   n. sth. that one proposes or plans to do 意图,意向,打算
  legal   adj. allowed, ordered or approved by law 法律允许的,法定的,合法的; concerned with or connected with the law 法律的,法律上的
  mission   n. an important job done by a member of the air force, army etc. especially an attack on the enemy 使命,任务;
  obtain   v. to get something that you want, especially through your effort, skill, or work 获得,得到
  outstanding   adj. extremely good 杰出的, 优秀的
paralyze   v. to make someone lose the ability to move part or all of their body, or to feel anything in it 瘫痪
  previous   adj. happening or existing before the event, time, or thing that is being mentioned 以前的,先前的
  pursue   v. to continue doing activity or trying to achieve sth. over a long period of time 继续;忙于;追求
  regarding   prep. on the subject of, in connection with 关于,有关
  rehabilitation   n. the act or process of helping sb. to live a healthy, useful, or active life again after they have been seriously ill or in prison (使)恢复正常生活
  setting   n. all the things that surround someone or something at a particular time, including the events that happen, their environment, or the people they are with 环境,背景
  staff   n. the group of workers who do the work of an organization 全体职员, 全体工作人员
  tragedy   n. serious play or drama that ends sadly; a tragic event in real life 悲剧
vocational   adj. preparing for a particular type of job 职业的,业务的
  vice   adj. being next in official rank below someone, who can represent them or act instead of them 副的
  worthwhile   adj. sth. deserves the time, effort, or money given to it 值得做的,值得花时间(精力)的

Phrases and Expressions

get around move or travel from place to place or within a given place 走动;各处旅行
open up to make sth. available, or (sth.) develop (机会)出现,产生
set an example be an example for 为…树立榜样
remind of to make somebody remember something they must do, or something they knew or something that happened in the past 提醒,使想起
bachelor's degree the first level of university degree 学士学位
master's degree a university degree such as an MA or an MSc, which you get by studying for one or two years after your first degree 硕士学位

Proper Names

DuBois 杜博瓦 (地名)
Ireland 爱尔兰德(姓氏)
McKee 麦基
Miller 米勒
Penn State University 宾夕法尼亚州立大学
Steelton 史梯尔顿(地名)
Waitkus 维迪克丝(姓氏)


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