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Passage D
Far Out Learning

   I will be the first to admit I was a distance education skeptic. I was well aware that many students--and many instructors--are capable of sitting before a computer screen for hour after boring hour, but this fact did not convince me that an online environment would be a good choice for graduate education.  首先得承认,我曾经是一个远程教育的怀疑派。我非常清楚,许多学生和教师能够在计算机荧屏前连续坐上几个小时,但是这并不能让我相信网络学习环境是研究生教育的一个好选择。

   I was particularly skeptical of the possibility that an online class, of whatever size, could effectively create what educators call a "community of learners". That is, a classroom environment in which students learn from each other as well as the instructor, and the class as a whole becomes a great deal more than the sum of its parts. I knew I could teach course content online, but could there be a true community of learners in a virtual classroom?  教育家们认为,不论大小,网络课堂能够积极地营造一个“学习集体”。我以前对此十分怀疑。因为,在教室里,学生能向老师学习还能互相学习,这种氛围和整个班级构成了一个整体,远远大于其各个部分的总和。我知道我可以在网络上教授课程的内容,但是在一个虚拟的教室里能形成一个真正的学习集体吗?

   I learned the answers to these questions in 1997, when I taught my first online course. What I found is that with the right use of the right technology, a virtual class can feel as real as a face-to-face, on-campus class. And the learning that goes on can be just as deep.  1997年我得到了这些问题的答案。当时我第一次在线授课。我发现,正确使用恰当的技术,虚拟课堂感觉和面对面的校园课堂一样真实,而且学习可以达到同样的深度。

   One online course I taught was LIS 406: Youth Services Librarianship, for students interested in working with young people in schools or public libraries. The real-time sessions of the class met every Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Of 22 students, 15 were off campus, in locations ranging from the Chicago suburbs to the Virgin Islands. Seven on-campus students logged in from their homes or from computer labs. During these sessions, we used two-way text chat, which allows students to contribute to class discussions or speak to each other; one-way audio, which allows the instructor to speak to the group via RealAudio; and scanned images and text for students to view.  我教的第一门网络课是LIS 406, 即青年读者图书管理学。这是为愿意在学校或公共图书馆与年轻人一起工作的学生开设的课程。实时的网络课时间是从每周三的下午6点到8点,共有22名学生,其中有15名学生不是在校学生,他们分布在从芝加哥郊区到弗吉尼亚维尔京群岛的各个地方。另外7名是在校学生,他们通过自己家里的电脑或者到机房联网上课。在实时课堂,我们使用交互的课程讨论,这样学生既可以参与课堂讨论,也可以互相之间进行交流;同时还有单向的音频设置,这样老师的声音可以通过实时音频装置发送给学生;此外,学生还可以浏览图片和课文。

   When LIS 406 met for its last class, I experienced the mix of feelings that comes at the end of a course gone well. Of course there was the large sigh of relief that accompanies the completion of any lengthy task. But there was also the small twinge of sadness that comes with the end of something unique. The final class is the last time any of us, teacher or student, will be a member of this particular learning community is a community that developed its own rhythm, its own etiquette, and its own dynamics. LIS 406, however "virtual", felt completely real.  当LIS 406进行到最后一节课的时候,我感受到了一门进行得非常顺利的课程结束时所带来的复杂感觉。当然,任何一项漫长的任务完成之时总能让人长长地舒一口气。但这项旷日持久的任务结束之时,也伴随着一种隐隐的痛苦。最后一节课是最后的一次聚会,无论老师还是学生都已成为这个特殊的学习集体中的一员。这个集体有它自己的节奏、规程和动力。尽管LIS 406是一个“虚拟”的课堂,但在感觉上它是真实存在的。

   In considering the rapid increase of distance education courses, I am reminded of the old saying about fire: it's a good servant but a bad master. So, too, is technology. Beginning my first online course, I worried that the teaching would be edged out by the technology, leaving a course full of bells and whistles but empty of substance. This is the worst thing that can happen when technology is the master. When technology is the servant, however, it is simply a means to an educational end.  考虑到远程教育课程迅猛的发展速度,我想起了有关“火”的一句古老的谚语:“火是一个忠诚的仆人,但却是一个糟糕的主人”。技术也是如此。首次教授网络课程时,我担心技术排挤教学,课堂上充斥着花哨的技术却没有什么实质的内容。一旦技术成为主宰,便很可能发生最糟糕的情况。而当技术只是仆人的时候,它仅仅是作为达到教育目的一种手段。

   If schools always keep an eye on the important learning outcomes, computer technology will let them deliver the kind of online courses needed by the growing numbers of distance education students.  学习效果很重要,如果学校始终关注学习效果,计算机技术可以使学校为越来越多需要远程教育的学生开设网络课程。

(516 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007