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New Words

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  deny   v. to declare untrue; refuse to accept as a fact 否认,否定,不承认
  fade   v. to lose brightness, color, strength, freshness, etc. 使(光泽、颜色等)褪去;使(强度等)变弱;使枯萎
  favorite   adj. most loved 最喜欢的
  flashy   adj. unpleasantly big, bright, decorated, etc. and perhaps not of good quality 华而不实的,俗丽的
hike   v. to go on a hike 作徒步旅行,远足
  sweater   n. a knitted usu. woolen garment for the top of the body, usu. without buttons or other fastenings and pulled on over the head 套头毛线衫,针织套衫
  swing   n. a swinging movement 摆动,挥动

Phrases and Expressions  

eat sb. out of the house and home 把某人吃穷
fade off 失去往日的光彩
hit it off (with) 与某人合得来
in full swing 热火朝天,正起劲
make it 及时到达;取得成功

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