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Course 1 > Unit 4> Passage E
Passage E
How I Worked and Had a Blast in Britain

I first heard about BUNAC's (British Universities North American Club) work program from a friend at school. I had always been passionate about. England and was planning a summer visit when the possibility of working abroad all of a sudden presented itself. I immediately inquired about it at the study abroad office and realized that being a full-time university student (or recent graduate) and obtaining a passport were virtually the only prerequisites needed to apply for the program. So I applied, received my legal work documents and a guidebook on living/working in the UK, and waited for June of 1999 to take off for London!

 I must say that it was hectic upon my arrival. Figuring out the Tube system in London, reading newspaper ads looking for rooms available for rent, exchanging money, and entering numerous stores, coffee shops, and bars to hand out my resume (called a C.V. in Britain) all proved to be a bit stressful. Yet it was also the most exciting, challenging, and rewarding experience I have been through. Having BUNAC nearby was reassuring; they helped answer my questions and tried to make the transition an easy one. Advertisements and listings were displayed in their office as well which helped many program participants land jobs and accommodation. I chose to be a bit more adventurous and just wandered around the streets of London myself looking for something to catch my eye. After some persistence, I did find summer employment with Pret a Manger, a coffee shop with chains all over London and several parts of the UK. My store was located in the Tower of London, and I had the glamorous job of operating a bike cart (complete with umbrella) selling ice cream and drinks to the thousands of tourists that visited London every day. It was not a job that will help me land the career of my dreams, but I guarantee you I've never had so much fun in my life.

Soon after landing a job, and after checking out several housing possibilities, my friend and I found a room for rent in Leytonstone, in the East End of London. It was in a comfortable, nice house in a typical neighborhood, and we had two other housemates, one from England and one from France. It was great having a "home" instead of living out of a hotel or hostel, and being able to cook, do laundry, watch TV, and relax.

Once settled comfortably in our house and receiving a stable income, I really felt at home in London. I felt like I was living my own life, and not just taking a "vacation." I made lasting friendships both with my housemates and my coworkers that have opened my eyes to so many more possibilities and ideas than I ever imagined. I also met unforgettable people that have created many of my memories from London; an Italian study abroad student in the Tube station on Queensway, American travelers on the night bus, the English man that owned the fish and chips shop down the street, the French couple we stayed with during our weekend trip to Paris, the friendly Beefeaters that greeted me each morning at the Tower of London.

and the numerous international tourists I interacted with everyday at work. I fell in love with both the cosmopolitan feel of London as well as the traditional British culture. I miss the bobbies roaming the streets, the wonderful cider and beer at the pubs, the English music, the beautifully landscaped parks and gardens, and even the unpredictable rainy weather. By working, I became immersed in British culture and experienced a part of life that most travelers never see. I could afford to travel during my free time and still avoid debt once I returned home. So whether you yearn for the culture and beauty of Wales, Scotland, Ireland, or England, I urge you to take advantage of the opportunity to work and have the biggest blast of your life!

(695 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007