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Passage B
The Web—My Main Sources of Information


    开始朗读 As a resource, the World Wide Web (Web) contains huge amounts of information. The Web is extensive, relatively easy to access, and provides virtually unlimited information. An excellent resource to gain knowledge, the Web is leading the “information revolution”. It has made a huge difference in the world, and will continue to do so. When you need current information and you need it now, there is no alternative. 作为一种资源,国际互联网中包含了大量的信息。它覆盖面广,容易上网,提供的信息量几乎是无穷无尽的。作为获取知识的一个卓越的来源,网络正在领导着一场‘信息革命’。世界因为它而发生了巨大的改变,并将一如既往。要是你马上就需要最新的信息的话,除了网络你别无选择。

  开始朗读 Over the past 12 years I have been involved in technology research. Originally, I obtained software information from printed reference materials and then from CDs. The advent of the Web as a research tool has greatly expanded the availability of information while reducing the amount of time needed on each task.在过去的12年中,我一直在参与技术研究。最初,我从文字参考资料中获取软件信息,后来我从光盘获取信息。网络作为一种研究工具的出现,大大地降低了我们在每一项工作上所耗费的时间。

  开始朗读 The majority of my time on the Web involves looking up technical computer information, which I use for teaching Microsoft applications classes and providing technical advice at work. Outside of work, I really like following all aspects of the financial world, and the Web has turned into a great resource for this hobby.在网络上我花了大部分时间查询计算机技术信息,我把这些信息用在微软应用课堂上并在工作上提出技术性建议。工作之余,我对金融界的很多领域非常感兴趣,网络成了我的这个爱好的重大信息源。

  开始朗读 I can't imagine being without it. Although it takes time to sift through the multitude of sources, I find that after years of use I can quickly analyze the search results to find the most appropriate site. The amount of information on the Web is staggering, so it is important to remember what it is you are searching for and not get sidetracked. 我不能想象没有网络的日子将会怎样。尽管筛选各种信息需要花费时间,但经过多年的使用后,我发现我能快速地分析搜寻的结果并找到最合适的网址。网上的信息量多得让人难以置信,所以重要的是得记住自己要搜寻的目标而不要偏离主题。

  开始朗读 The Web is a wonderful resource when you can substantiate that the information provided is accurate and true. Like any other resource, the Web has good and not so good information to share. Depending on what you are looking for, you have to judge for yourself how relevant the material is for you. It is important not to believe everything you read and to attempt to stay away from personal sites, and I try to know who is responsible for the site before treating the information as fact. 当你能证实网上所提供的信息是准确无误的时候,网络便是一个伟大的资料库。就像其他的资源一样,网络既有好的信息,同时也有不好的信息。根据你所搜寻的目标,你可以自己判断这些资料是否相关。重要的是,不要相信你所查阅的所有东西,尽量避开个人网站,并设法先弄清楚谁是该网站的负责人,然后再接受它提供的信息。

    开始朗读 The more you use the Web, the more comfortable you get, and the more likely you are to use it even more. The Web certainly helps save time and allows you to focus resources in doing research and seeking out useful information. 网络使用得越多,就觉得越顺手,你就会用得更多。网络确实能帮助你`节约时间,并能使你在做研究时集中资源并找出有用的信息。

  开始朗读 Overall, the Web has given me the opportunity to be mary more times effective at obtaining data. If I find material but do not have time to read it, I print it out and read it later or on the commuter train. In addition, as I find things of interest, it takes only a few seconds to share that information with my team members and other professional associates. This enhances my networking capability to be in touch with many people with the same interest looking at a particular subject. 总的来说,用网络查阅资料让我们有机会把效率提高好几倍。当我找到资料却没有时间去阅读的时候,我便把它打印出来留到以后阅读,或者在乘火车上下班的途中阅读。除此之外,当我找到有用的资料时,只需几秒钟的时间我就可以与我的同组成员及其它业务同事分享。这增强了我的联网能力,我可以和许多在某一领域有相同兴趣的人保持联系。

  开始朗读 The Web provides an excellent way to find information fast. It enables users to find research as it is occurring, rather than waiting for it to be published. It also provides a highly collaborative environment in which it is quick and easy to exchange ideas with colleagues. 网络为快速查找信息提供了一种极好的方法。它让用户在研究开始的时候就能得知信息,而不是要等到结果发表之后。网络也提供了高度协作的工作环境,通过它可以和同事们随时交换意见

  开始朗读 The Web is an excellent way to acquire knowledge quickly and easily, visit company websites, e-mail any questions you might have, research topics, conduct surveys, participate in special interest discussions, and gather information for further analysis without having to be physically present. 网络是方便快捷地获取知识一种极好的方式,通过它可以访问公司的网页,发送电子邮件询问疑惑问题,研究课题,开展调查,参加一些特别专题讨论,为将来的分析收集信息,做这些事情都不要自己亲临现场。


(543 words)
©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007