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Passage B
Related Information

Information Revolution

The changes in human behavior and human society that have resulted from the popularity of computers, and especially of personal computers, for the sharing and transmission of information. This began in the 1970's and 1980's, and became a global phenomenon in the 1990's. The two aspects of the Information Revolution that have changed behavior and society the most are probably the World Wide Web and the use of email. Some experts say this is the biggest change in human history since the printing press or the Industrial Revolution.


信息革命是指为共享信息和发布信息,日益普及的电脑尤其是个人电脑给人类行为和人类社会带来的种种变化。信息革命始于70和80年代, 90年代风靡全球。其改变人类行为和社会的最重要的两个发面方面也许是全球互联网和电子邮件。有专家称这是自印刷术和工业革命以来,人类历史上最为巨大的变革。



An Interesting Website

Most students know about search engines like Google and Yahoo. These have certainly made our research easier and our lives more interesting. Everyone who uses the Web has their own favorite websites. One website that students may wish to learn more about is www.about.com. This website contains a fascinating variety of information on a great variety of topics, and the links are managed by experts in their fields who serve as "tour guides in cyberspace" for the website's many users. The links contain articles, glossaries of technical terms, chatlines, surveys of user preferences, and several other special features. Give it a try sometime!


大多数学生都知道Google 和Yahoo 等搜索引擎。这些当然使搜索更为便捷,也给我们的生活带来了不少乐趣。上网的人都有自己喜欢的网站。有个网站学生可能知道的不多,那就是 WWW.about.com。该网站内容丰富,引人入胜。而且由各行各业的专家来担任众多上网者的"虚拟世界的导游"。网站的链接包括文章,技术名词集锦,聊天的栏目,用户喜欢的内容搜寻等其它独具特色的东西。有时间的话,不妨试试哦!



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