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Passage D
Will Newspapers Survive?

By Jennifer Haram

 It's 6:25 a.m. and the alarm buzzes. Out of bed, grab the paper, scan the headlines and hop into the shower by 6:35. TV on by 6:45 to catch any late-breaking news. In the car by 7:25. Turn on the radio to find out the traffic situation. Traffic jams for 35 minutes to travel 11 miles and arrive at work by 8.  现在是清晨6点25分,闹钟一响,我便从床上爬起来。一把抓过报纸,匆匆地浏览了一下标题;6点35分赶紧淋浴;6点45分打开电视机,正好收看最新的(???)新闻;7点25分钻进车子,打开收音机,了解交通状况。由于塞车,11英里的路程花了35分钟,8点到达上班地点。

 People want news -- it is obvious by the number of resources they have used by 8 o'clock in the morning. But, newspapers may lose their traditional position of dominance in the media industry.  显而易见,从人们早上8点之前所利用的资源数量来看,新闻是必不可少的。但是,报纸确有可能失去它们在媒体业中所占有的传统的支配地位。

 With competition from the Internet, authorities are talking about the end of the traditional newspaper. Currently, the 54 billion U.S. newspaper industry consists of about 900 papers. However, being big doesn't guarantee survival.  由于网络的竞争,权威人士正在谈论传统形式报纸的终结。目前,540亿美元的报纸行业有大约900种各类报纸。然而,数目巨大并不能保证它能生存下去。

 According to predictions based on a Newspaper Advertising Bureau study from 1961 to 1988, there will be no daily newspaper readers in 2078. This means that if the current trends continue, in 2078, daily newspapers will not exist. This is the time to start making changes that will keep the newspaper the dominant medium of the future.  根据1961到1988年报刊广告署的一项研究的预报,到2078年将不会有人去看日报。这意味着如果现有的趋势持续下去,到了2078年,日报将不复存在。所以,为了让报纸在将来媒体中保持主导地位,现在就是进行改革的时机。

 Studies show that people don't read the paper because they say they "don't have enough time." In fact, people have more free time today than they did 30 years ago. People are simply choosing to spend their free time in ways other than reading the paper. People make time for what interests them.  研究表明,人们之所以不看报纸是因为他们说"没有时间"。事实上,现在人们拥有的业余时间比三十年前为多。但人们宁愿干点别的,而不愿读报。人们省出时间是为了做他们感兴趣的事情。

 Newspapers have advantages that have been taken for granted for years. What other source of information is literally delivered to your door seven days a week? Where else can local news and ads be found? Who else has a complete database of names and addresses of residents on every street in the entire city? This information is invaluable. Individual houses can be targeted for specific advertising messages. Much like a computer homepage, newspapers could be customized to fit the interests of each resident. The technology is available and the database is there. This is the newspaper of the future.  很久以来,报纸拥有大家公认的优点。难道还有什么其他的信息资源能每天准时送上门来吗?还有什么别的地方能找到当地新闻和广告呢?还有谁拥有整个城市每条街道的居民名址数据库?这些信息是无价之宝。一幢幢房屋可能会成为特定的广告信息的对象。就像电脑上的主页一样,报纸可以按照每个居民的需要而单独设计。现在我们既有技术又有资料库,这就是将来的报纸。

 Of course, this cannot happen overnight, but steps can be taken to make this a reality. Content is one of the most important factors of newspaper readership. It appears that newspapers try to offer interesting stories that will appeal to different groups of people. Unfortunately, that is only half the battle. Readers have to know the story is there and how to find it. Younger generations want shorter stories and more pictures and graphics.  当然,这不是一夜之间就能够实现的,但我们可以采取措施使之变为现实。报纸的内容是吸引读者最重要的因素之一。报纸似乎应该尽量提供迎合不同群体读者口味的趣闻轶事。然而,那只是成功的保证。还必须让读者知道有这些趣闻轶事存在并能找到它们。年轻的一代喜欢更短的故事和更多的图画。

 Newspapers need to stress their convenience and that they offer the quickest method for readers to find the information they need. They also need to stress that the information is available in a portable package wherever and whenever the reader wants it. A local television station may give an event a 30-second summary. Often readers want more details and analysis. The newspaper fills that need; however, details don't have to mean long stories. They can be broken into reader-friendly packages.  报纸必须突出它们的方便性,并能给读者提供最快捷的找到所需信息的方法。它们还须强调,无论何时何地,读者想要的信息都可以在一个便携式信息包中找到。也许一家当地的电视台可以为某事件提供30秒钟的简介。读者常常希望了解更多的细节和分析。报纸恰好满足了这一需要。然而,细节不一定是冗长的故事。它们可以剪辑成各种对读者友好的信息包。

 Knight Ridder Inc. Research Director Kip Cassino points out that no man-made communications medium has ever died. We can't let newspapers be the first to break this record. We need to reach out to readers today and stress the value, convenience, and content of the product we love. After all, 2078 is getting closer every day.  奈特瑞德公司的研究部主任基普o卡西诺指出,还没有哪一种人为的传媒形式消亡过。我们不能让报纸成为首破纪录者。现在,我们必须去赢得读者,强调我们所热爱的产品的价值、便捷和内容。毕竟,2078年正在逐日逼近。

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007