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Course 1 > Unit 6 > Passage E
Passage E
Volunteering at the Centennial Olympic Games

 Why did I decide to become a volunteer in this major event if it is not taking place in my home country?

 Well, it is very simple. I decided to become a volunteer because I am a dreamer and I have always dreamed to live in a better world for all, not a with frontiers or discrimination, but a world of unity and friendship. And I thought I can not dream about it, I need to do something, I could not sit and wait-

 One day I wanted to make a trip and I started looking where I would like to go, I bought some travel magazines and went to some agencies, and after a while I realized that I could not find places where to go, not because they were not interesting for me, but because I did not just want to go, but do something here.

 Since a child the Olympic Games have always fascinated me as I presume most of people, but what I admired the most was the philosophy of the Organization, how they managed to gather all those countries, all the athletes, all the events, all the people, and most of all, how they managed to work with so many cultures at a time and look as if they were only one. So I started to read more about it, then I became familiarized with the Olympic Movement and its aims, and every time I read about it, I wanted to know more. I realized it was a perfect model of my dream and that through sport it was the clue then I thought how may I help them build a better world. In a sudden I knew where I needed to go on a trip, next "Olympic Games" but not as a visitor to the Games but as a participant to the organization of the Games, then I found the answer right away: "be a volunteer".

 The next Games were the "Centennial Olympic Games, Atlanta'96". And I even knew I was a citizen from another country (Mexico) and I would have to pay for my travel expenses if I wanted to be part of the dream. I applied and the Atlanta Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games opened to me its doors to the Centennial Games and to the Olympic Movement.

(398 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007