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Passage F
Get Involved in Special Olympics
 Special Olympics would not exist today - could not have been created - without the time, energy, dedication, and commitment of the more than 500,000 Special Olympics volunteers. Special Olympics as a movement relies on dedicated volunteers to provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for people eight years of age and older with mental handicaps.

Volunteers include students, senior citizens, business people, family members of athletes, amateur and professional athletes and coaches, teachers and many others. They fill a wide variety of roles for Special Olympics programs at the local, state, national and international levels, from the role of coach, to fund-raiser, from coaching athletes to coordinating families, from timer and scorer to public relations and outreach to new athletes - the Volunteer Opportunities are numerous. Experience is a plus, but not a necessity. What you do need is a strong commitment and unlimited dedication.

Anyone can be a Special Olympics volunteer. As a Special Olympics volunteer, you'll be helping people with mental retardation and/or closely related developmental disabilities of all ages and abilities to fulfill their potential; strengthen their characters; to develop their physical skills and display their talents. Volunteering for Special Olympics can create lifetime friendships and rewards of immeasurable value.

If you're already involved, take pride in knowing that you are an important part of a program that offers opportunities to athletes with mental retardation around the world. If you'd like to get involved, you may contact your Local Program office to see how you can volunteer in your area. You may also visit our web-site and fill out a short request form, then you will receive notices of our volunteer needs via mail or e-mail and receive a brochure which details year-round volunteer opportunities.


(300 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007