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Passage C
The Beatles Started My Way Toward English

 I had my first contact with English when I was six. My dad inspired me to listen to the Beatles. I listened to them every day for the next seven years. In the beginning I could grasp nothing of what they were singing. But soon I started to understand isolated words, especially the ones that appeared in the song titles.  六岁时我第一次接触英语。爸爸鼓励我听甲壳虫乐队的歌。之后的七年中,我每天都听他们的歌。起初我根本不懂他们唱些什么,但很快就能懂单个的词儿了,特别是歌名中的单词。

 Later I got a book with the words of all the songs. I read the book many times. I learned many songs by heart. I sang the songs to myself. Still, I scarcely understood the meaning. It became my dream to learn English so well that I could achieve comprehension of the Beatles. That is how I started my way toward English.  后来,我弄到了一本书,书上有所有这些歌的词儿。这本书我读了好几遍,许多歌我都背得出来。有时也哼两曲自己听听,但还是不太懂歌词的意思。我梦想着能学好英语弄明白甲壳虫的歌儿。就这样,我开始了英语学习。

 Today, I can under-stand the Beatles very clearly. Each time I hear a Beatles song, I am delighted and proud because I have made my childhood dream come true. I listen to many rock bands, all in English, and I listen every day, sometimes for over seven hours a day. I am constantly aware of my success with English because I can understand the lyrics of the songs I listen to. And that gives me pleasure and satisfaction for many hours every day.  今天,我可以十分透彻地理解甲壳虫音乐的涵义了。每听到一首甲壳虫的歌,我都十分开心,非常自豪,因为童年的梦想终于变成了现实。许多摇滚乐队的歌儿我都听,全是英语歌儿。有时一天会听七个多小时。我能时刻感悟到在英语上取得的成功,因为我能听懂这些歌的歌词。每天听歌数小时,这给了我无穷的快乐和满足。

  When I was 13 years old, I started reading science fiction books. This decision guided me for many years. I learned every new English word that I encountered. With each new word I felt closer to my goal. With each word I felt that my reading ability was increasing. Each word added to my sense of power.  十三岁时我开始读科幻小说,一读就是好多年。我掌握了每个英语生词。每学会一个生词我都感到离目标进了一步。每学会一个词我都感到阅读能力又有了提高。每个词儿都感到能力的增强。

  At some point I read my first whole book in English and I understood it. That moment was a crucial breakthrough in my life. I knew that I had broken a barrier, revealing a new linguistic world. I found that reading English is much more exciting. For the last four years I have read books only in English, with very few exceptions.  直到有一天,我读了整整一本英语书,而且全看懂了。那一刻成了我生活中的一个重大突破。我知道我已经冲破了障碍,进入了一种新的语言境界。我发现读英语越来越有趣了。过去四年中,我几乎无一例外地只读英语写的书。

  I have read many pop-science books in English. Some of them are still not available in my native language. My knowledge of English allowed me to get in touch with the current state of evolutionary theory and cognitive science of the mind. When I learned English well enough to read pop-science books, I discovered that English is a very important tool for learning science.  我看过许多英文版的科普读物。有一些还找不到我的母语译本。我的英语知识让我能学习和了解有关心理的进化理论和心理认知科学的最新动态。当我学的英语能看懂科普读物时,我发觉英语真是学习科学的非常重要的工具。

  Over a year ago I decided to use only English in my mathematical notes. I read and write mathematical materials in English, like most professional mathematicians. I have become part of the international mathematics community. I can read about mathematics on the Internet and I can publish my own materials, with no language barriers. I feel free and powerful! 一年前我决定只用英语做数学笔记。像大多数数学家一样,我阅读和撰写的数学资料全是英语的。我已经成了国际数学界的一员,能在网上浏览数学文献,发表文章,语言不再成为障碍。我体会到了自由和力量。

  English has given me much satisfaction and pleasure. Also, I find English very useful in my scientific career. That is why I hope other people can benefit from my experiences.  英语给了我很大的满足与乐趣。我还发现,英语对我的科学生涯极有帮助。因此,我希望我的经历对别人也会有好处。

(486 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007