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Passage D
Learning to Learn

 Effective study skills and strategies are the basis of effective learning. They give you an opportunity to approach learning tasks systematically and independently. By always using good study habits and learning to work like a successful student, you can become one.  好的学习技能和策略是高效率学习的前提。掌握了它们,你就能有系统地独立进行学习了。养成良好的学习习惯,像优秀学生那样学习,你也会成为一名优秀学生。

 Learning is a very personal matter. There isn't one study skill or learning strategy that works for every person in every situation. Therefore, you must learn what you know, learn what you don't know, and learn what to do about it. Don't always wait for others to tell you what to learn or how to do it.  学习完全是因人而异的事情。没有哪种学习技能或策略能适合任何人任何情况。因此,就要了解你知道什么,不知道什么,以及该怎样去做。别老是等别人告诉你学什么和怎么学。

 Know Yourself    Begin by honestly assessing your strengths and weaknesses in basic college skills and identify your learning style preferences. Many factors may affect learning, but consider whether you learn most effectively by reading, by watching, by listening, or by doing. You must also become familiar with your instructors' teaching styles to help you adapt your learning style to them for your best advantage. In addition, consider when and where you are at your best for learning. (Are you a morning person or a night owl? Do you prefer to be alone or with others? Do you concentrate best in a bright room with noise or in a cozy, quiet corner?)  了解自己  实事求是地估计在大学学习的基本技能中,哪些是你的长处,哪些是你的不足。发现你的学习风格和倾向。影响学习的因素很多,你得弄清楚什么情况下学习效率最高,是靠读书,观察,倾听,还是靠动手做。你还得熟悉老师的教学风格,使自己的学习风格与之相适应,以达到最佳的学习效果。此外,还要清楚自己什么时候和什么地方学习效果最好。你是个爱早起的人还是个夜猫子?你愿意一个人学习还是和别人一起学习?你在哪儿学习精力最集中,是在明亮嘈杂的房间,还是在温馨安静的角落?)。

 Manage Your Time And Life    Learn to manage your time and control your own life. Identify what your goals are and then establish priorities to help you reach them. If you aren't spending time on your priorities, you must make the necessary adjustments or you won't reach your goals. If school learning and good grades are priorities, then you must make and follow a schedule that gives a significant amount of time to class and study.  安排好时间和生活  学会安排时间和调节生活。要定好目标,明确轻重缓急,以便实现目标。如果没把时间用在紧要事情上,那你就得做相应调整,否则目标就无法实现。如果上课、学习和取得好成绩是当务之急,那你就必须制定和遵守一个时间表,匀出大部分时间上课和学习。

 Improve Your Concentration   As a good student, you will not necessarily study more than a poor student, but you will definitely use your study time more effectively. Learn to keep your attention focused on the task at hand. When you are in class or ready to study, give it your full attention. How well you learn something, not how fast you learn it, is the critical factor in remembering. You must "get" something before you can "forget" it.  集中注意力   会学习的学生不一定比学习差的学生花的时间多,但肯定更善于利用时间。你得学会将精力集中在手头的工作上。上课或者自习要全神贯注。关键是学习的好坏而不是学习的快慢。你得先"学会",然后才能"忘记"。

  Know What Study Means & How To Do It    Learning takes more than just going to class and doing homework. It is really a four-part cycle:
When you establish a learning-cycle routine you will be able to learn more in less time with less stress.  弄清楚学习的含义和如何去学  学习不光是上课与做作业,而是一个四步的循环过程:预习→上课→复习→钻研 一旦形成了这样的循环,你就能学得更快更轻松。

 Become An Active Reader    To learn from reading or studying, you must be an active, thinking participant in the process, not a passive bystander. Always preview the reading and make sure you have a specific purpose for each assignment. Read actively to fulfill your purpose and answer questions about the material. Keep involved by giving yourself frequent tests over what you've read.  积极阅读  要想读书而有所得,你必须边看边积极思考,而不是被动地做一个局外人。阅读一定要先预习,确保每项任务都有明确目的。要有目的地主动地阅读,并回答有关阅读材料的问题。要专心致志,时常考考自己,看是否掌握了已读过的材料。

 Build Listening & Notetaking Skills    Accurately listening to a lecture and deciding what is important are two aspects that must be mastered before you worry about how to write the information in your notes. Again, being an active rather than a passive participant is the key to your success.  培养听课和做笔记的技能  仔细听讲,明白哪些是重点,这两点很重要,然后才能考虑如何做笔记。另外,成功的关键在于积极投入而不是消极等待。

  True education is not about cramming material into your brain. Instead, true education is a process of expanding your capabilities, of bringing yourself into the world. Professors can merely set the stage for you to create learning through your own action.  真正的教育不是怎样往脑海中灌东西;真正的教育是一个发展才能了解世界的过程。教师只能为你搭起舞台,让你通过自己的行动去创造性地学习。

(561 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007