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Course 1 > Unit 8 > Passage E
Passage E
Found the Love of My Life on AOL

 I t was a March 10, 2000. I was kind of bored so I decided to look on AOL for something to do. I didn't have a boyfriend and I wasn't really looking for one at the time either. But I decided to look at the photo personals. My cousin had told me about them once before and that I should look there sometime. Running into the personals, I felt skeptical about finding my one true love on the internet. I decided to go ahead and look. I was flipping through the personals and reading them, yet none had drawn my attention. I decided to look in Ohio since it's only one state away. Finally, there was one in Youngstown, Ohio that just had drawn my complete attention. It said "Looking for a Sweetheart". I clicked on it finding much to my surprise there was this heart stopping utterly handsome guy's picture and his interests were much similar to mine. So, I saw his e-mail and wrote it down right then. I wrote him, waiting for a response, but there wasn't one. Finally, I decided to go to bed. The next morning, I checked my e-mail there it was his response. It was wonderful. I had sent him my picture and he said I was beautiful (thank god).

 Over the next few weeks we talked and had a few net meetings. We really got to know each other. Finally, after a few weeks of talking, he came to meet me. I was so nervous and excited we talked on the phone until he got to the hotel where we were supposed to meet. He told me he would be at the room in just a few seconds. I said "ok" as my heart was pounding and my hands were sweating. Finally, there was a knock at the door. I opened the door and there he was. It was love at first sight!

 We talked for awhile then he came to meet my parents they loved him as soon as they met him. We saw each other a few other times after that and then he moved in with me =) We lived together for about 4 1/2 months then he went to welding school and then to college. As soon as welding school is over I will move to Ohio with him. We know that in a few years we will be happily married.

 We will see when the time comes? We've been together almost 6 months now and it's been great ever since. So, to all those skeptical about finding your true love, give it a try. I was skeptical too, but thank god I was curious or someone else might have the wonderful man that I have in my life.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007