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Text 1  Ancient Olympic Games

Information related to the text


Olympia: Plain in southern Greece along the Alpheus(阿尔菲俄斯河).


The Golden Age of Greece: The period of prosperity and achievement in great thought and art in the history of Greece which began in the 5th century B.C. when the ancient Greece reached the peak of their power and influence.



Yard: A unit of length which is equal in the US to 0.9144 meter.


Greek Democracy: Democracy began in certain city-states in ancient Greece in which the whole citizen body formed the legislature, a system made possible by the fact that a city-state's population rarely exceeded10 000 persons and that women and slaves enjoyed no political rights. Citizens were illegible for a large variety of executive and judicial offices, some of which were filled by elections, others being assigned by lot. There was no separation of powers, and all officials were fully responsible to the popular assembly, which was qualified to act in executive and judicial as well as legislative matters. Greece Democracy was a brief historic episode that had little direct influence on the practice of modern states. From the fall of Greek city-states to the modern constitutional states there was a gap of 2 000 years in the practice of democracy.


Zeus: The chief of the Greek gods on Mount Olympus. According to Greek mythology, Zeus is the son of Uranus, the Sky; and Gaea, the Earth. He defeated the Titans and was powerful enough to control not only the thunder and lightning, but also Men's fortune and misfortune. Therefore, he is regarded as the King of both men and gods. In Roman mythology, Zeus is called Jupiter.


Sparta: Ancient city in southern Greece in Peloponnisos Peninsula with Laconia as its capital.


Pindar: (522?-443? B.C.) A Greek writer of odes, who was regarded by the ancient Greeks as the greatest of their lyric poets. Pindar's odes celebrated victories in games held at the greatest religious festivals of Greece - the Olympian, the Pythian, the Isthmian, and the Memean - and from these festivals the four books of pindaric odes take their names. In his religious, as in his political thought, Pindar was a conservative. As an aristocrat, he held many conventional and traditional bias of his class. He felt the virtue of excellence and achievement of the victor at the games could be achieved only by the nobly born, supported by the favor of the gods. Pindar's odes must be counted among the most beautiful and influential in Greek literature. Goethe in Germany, Shelley and Wordsworth in England, and Victor Hugo in France, all used the Pindaric legacy with varying aims and varying successes.


Nero: (37-68 A.D.) The 5th Roman Emperor (54-68 A.D.) infamous for his personal debaucheries and extravagance, and on doubtful evidence, for his burning of Rome and persecution of Christians.


Theodosius I: (347-395 A.D.) was first the Great Roman general and latter Roman Emperor (379-395 A.D.). He banned the ancient Olympic Games in 394 A.D.


Alpheus River: A river about 75 miles long in southern Greece, flowing northwestward into Ionian Sea.


The Athletic Sports Union: A French group of athletic sports which Baron Pierre de Coubertin had helped to organize.


Language notes


1) The custom lasted for more than 1 000 years but then died out under the rulers of Rome. 




To die out means to disappear completely. In this sentence, it means to stop.


e.g. The moth's habitat is being destroyed and it has nearly died out.


     The old traditions are dying out.


2) They survived for centuries, inspiring the music and poetry and the architecture and sculpture that were to become the magnificence of the Golden Age of Greece.




Be to in this sentence expresses destiny.


e.g. The celebrations were not to take place. (ie They did not, in fact, take place.)


3) Only freeborn male citizens could take part in the Olympic Games.




 Freeborn here means not born in slavery.


4) She was pardoned, and in time women were allowed in the games.




In time in this sentence means after a certain period of time.


e.g. He kept on practicing painting, and in time, he became a good artist.


5) One of the greatest honors was to be crowned to the winner of the pentathlon (meaning "five contests").




Be to in this sentence expresses arrangement, intention or purpose.


e.g. Each participant was to pay his own expenses.


6) Remains of the huge statue of Zeus at Olympia bear the signature of Phidias, the famous Athenian sculptor and architect.




Bear here means show sth or carry visibly.


e.g. The coach bears the royal coat of arms.



7) In 1892, at a meeting of the Athletic Sports Union, De Coubertin first put forth the idea of starting the Olympic Games again.




To put forth her means to advance, propose or suggest sth for discussion.


e.g. She is putting forth a radical proposals for medical reform.


8) It was fitting that Baron de Coubertin should remain director of the International Olympic Committee until 1925.




Note that-clause is in subjunctive mood. Fitting here means suitable for the occasion; right or proper.


e.g. It was fitting that he should be here to tackle the problem in person.



Text 2  Modern Olympic Games


Information related to the text


Marathon: The site of a victory of Greeks over Persians in 490 B.C. The news of the victory was carried to Athens by a warrior Pheidippides, who ran a long distance of 26 miles (42.2 kilometers) and dropped dead as soon as he finished shouting out  "Rejoice, we have conquered." The Marathon is the longest foot race, 26 miles, named after the town of Marathon.


Montreal: A city and a seaport in southern Quebec, Canada on Montreal Island which is in St. Lawrence river with a population of 1 100 000.


Antwerp: A city and a seaport in northern Belgium with a population of 191 000.


Language notes


1) The Modern Olympic Games might have remained just a part of history without the dream of one Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin.




This sentence can be paraphrased as the Olympic Games might have been memorized as an event in Greek history, taking place long ago without being turned into reality if Pierre de Coubertin failed to have come up with the idea of reopening the Olympic Games.


2) The Greek government was unhappy with the decision to hold the Games in Athens, as they had serious economic problems at the time and did not feel they were in a position to spend the necessary money.




Be in position to do sth means to be able to do sth.


e.g. I'm sorry I'm not in a position to help you right now, for I've to finish typing this long letter in half an hour.


3) Australia, Austria, Britain, Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Sweden, Switzerland and the USA, were the only countries to send athletes to the Games and most of the athletes who did come had to pay for their own travel and other costs.




The athletes had to pay for their own travel and other costs because the competitors in the early modern Olympic Games were not sent by their governments. They went to the Games by themselves and paid for their own traveling expenses and other costs. It was not until 1908 when the Games were held in London that athletes were sent by their countries and their expenses were covered by the governments.


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