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A. Determining the main idea.

   Choose the best answer. Do not refer to the text. 

   The main idea of the text is that ________.( )

   (a) Olympic Games had a great influence on the growth of Greek philosophy and culture and began to revive in the late nineteenth century

   (b) De Coubertin overcame many hardships and started the modern Olympic Games

    (c) ancient and modern Games share the same ideals of excellence of body, mind and spirit

   (d) ancient Olympic Games lasted for 1 000 years and then declined


B. Comprehending the text.

   Choose the best answer. 

   1. The word Olympiad means ________.( )

   (a) a period of 4 years from one celebration of the Olympic Games to the next

   (b) a place where the Olympic Games were first held

   (c) an organization for the Olympic Games

   (d) a leap year in which the Olympic Games are held

   2. De Coubertin began the modern Olympic Games in 1896 in ________.( )

   (a) Rome

   (b) France

   (c) Athens

   (d) Britain

   3. The beginning of the Olympic Games came from ________. ( )

   (a) human instincts for ideals of excellence of body, mind and spirit

   (b) demands of Greek gods and goddesses

   (c) war time needs

   (d) religious celebrations

   4. The ancient Olympic Games stressed the following qualities except ________.( )

   (a) fame

   (b) skill and speed

   (c) the golden mean

   (d) physical excellence

   5. The victory of Coroebus, a cook, in a footrace, which marked the first recorded Olympic Games, was won in ________.( )

   (a) 576 B. C.

   (b) 776 B. C.

   (c) 576 A. D.

   (d) 776 A. D.

   6. Who among the following groups were allowed to enter the ancient Olympic Games?  ( )

   (a) Slaves

   (b) Women

   (c) Children

   (d) Freeborn male citizens

   7. Who may be considered the greatest athlete of the ancient Olympic Games?  ( )

   (a) Milo

   (b) Pisidorus

   (c) Coroebus

   (d) Nero

   8. The golden Age of Greece came in the 5th century B.C. and the Olympic Games contributed to the greatness of this period mainly by ________. ( )

   (a) emphasizing variety of sports items

   (b) stressing qualities needed for war

   (c) preferring peace to war

   (d) setting standards of physical and moral excellence

   9. When De Coubertin proposed to start the Olympic Games again in 1892, ________.( )

   (a) he meant to train the youth of France only

   (b) he knew others would support his idea

   (c) many people could not understand him

   (d) he hoped that athletes of France would win

   10. The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens, Greece, because ________.( )

   (a) Athens was one of the oldest cities in the world

   (b) De Coubertin himself was a Greek

   (c) the ancient Olympic Games originated there

   (d) Greece was a beautiful country


C. Understanding vocabulary.

   Choose the correct definition according to the context.

   1. Amateur athletes from all over the world take part in the modern Olympic Games.  ( )

    (a) Non-professional

    (b) Non-native 

    (c) New

    (d) Skilled

   2. Here men came to worship and to approach as nearly as possible the skills and strength of the gods.  ( )

(a) honor

(b) pray

(c) learn

(d) imitate

3. The Golden Age of Greece came in the 5th century B.C., when the ancient Greeks reached the peak of their power and influence.  ( )

(a) height

(b) limit

(c) test

(d) value

4. Speed and skill in hand-to-hand fighting were necessary for survival.  ( )

(a) getting applause

(b) winning battles

(c) being victorious

(d) staying alive

5. Poets and people were eager to sing the praises not only of victors in battle but also of victors in contests of skill and strength.  ( )

(a) soldiers

(b) winners

(c) participants

(d) warriors

6. They survived for centuries, inspiring the music and poetry and the architecture and sculpture that were to become the magnificence of the Golden Age of Greece.  ( )

(a) treasure

(b) splendor

(c) heritage

(d) achievement

7. Women were forbidden, with death as the punishment, even to see the games.  ( )

(a) discriminated

(b) encouraged

(c) prohibited

(d) embarrassed

8. Every athlete was required to take an oath that he would follow the rules of the game and of fair play.  ( )

(a) have some drink

(b) take some medicine

(c) make a note

(d) make a vow

9. But after Rome defeated Greece (in the 2nd century B.C.), Olympic standards began to decline.  ( )

(a) disappear

(b) improve

(c) increase

(d) go lower

10. Then in the 1880's some German archeologists uncovered something that showed the existence of a great civilization.  ( )

(a) those doing research work in history

(b) those studying the buried remains of ancient times

(c) those engaged in building houses

(d) those interested in literature and art

11. "Peace," De Coubertin stated, "would be furthered by the Olympic Games."  ( )

(a) improved

(b) advanced

(c) guaranteed

(d) followed


D. Discussing the following topics.

1. What is the heritage of the ancient Olympic Games?

2. What are De Coubertin's contributions to the modern Olympic Games?


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