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1. Write F before each statement of fact below; write O before each statement of opinion. Then underline the words that help tell you whether the statement expresses a fact or opinion.

1. Giant’s marketing efforts are prodigious. ( )

2. It is spending half of its $12 million annual advertising budget this year on sponsorships of professional racing teams.( )

3. Giant started out in the rice paddies of Taichung 26 years ago, producing bikes sold under other companies’ brand names in 1980.( )

4. Within a decade, the company had carved a niche for itself in the mountain-bike market. ( )

5. The FLExX kids bike looks especially promising.( )

6. It has an adjustable frame, meaning the bike grows along with the child. ( )

2. Read the first three paragraphs of the text in this unit and tell which paragraph gives more facts than opinions.

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