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Text 1  Numbers and Omens

Cultural and background notes


1)      The I Ching or Book of Changes

A compilation which records an ancient Chinese system of divination. In the system, an oracle is cast by flipping coins or more traditionally, by manipulating yarrow stalks. The oracle is one of 64 different hexagrams. The hexagram itself is composed of two trigrams, each consisting of three lines. Those lines are either straight (Yang) or broken (Yin).


2)      Yin-Yang

Meaning much more than just female/male, Yin-Yang are the Chinese terms for the basic polarities of the Universe. Yang is time, light, strong. Yin is space, dark, weak. Yang is the direction upwards; Yin downwards. Yang is the closed circle; Yin is the open angle. Yang is clockwise; Yin counter-clockwise. Yang is hard, resistant and tense; Yin is soft, yielding and relaxed.


3)      the five elements

Metal, wood, water, fire and earth. The following is the productive cycle of the five elements in ancient Chinese philosophy.

Wood burns producing Fire.
Fire leaves behind Earth.
Earth is the source of Metal.
Metal liquefies into flowing liquid like Water.
Water then becomes the nourishment for the Wood.


4)      Lao Tzu

Also called Tao Te Ching (literally, "the classic of the way of virtue"), is attributed to Lao Tzu, though scholars disagree about his actual existence. In its very poetic form, it teaches that there is a dynamic, cosmic structure underlying everything that happens in the world. We humans need to discover that Way (Tao), which is immanent in all aspects of the world, not a rule imposed from without; and we need to fit into it, letting things take their course, not exerting ourselves in opposition to it by trying to bend things to our will.


Our naming (describing) of things always falls short of the way things are, since things are not limited as our language presupposes. Even the Tao which we are trying to talk about here eludes our words. The original polarity is that of being and non-being, and it will be found to interplay throughout the world, with non-being (emptiness, what is not) having as much significance as does being (the fullness of things, what is). Thus the notion of the Tao recaptures the earlier Chinese concept of Yin and Yang, the polarities running through all things.


5)      doing the sevens

Traditional Chinese funeral ceremony, traditionally lasts over 49 days, the first seven days being the most important. Prayers are said every seven days for 49 days if the family can afford it. If the family is in poor circumstances, the period may be shortened to from 3 to 7 days. Usually, it is the responsibility of the daughters to bear the funeral expenses. The head of the family should be present for, at least the first and, possibly the second, prayer ceremony. The number of ceremonies conducted is dependent on the financial situation of the family. The head of the family should also be present for the burial or the cremation.


6)      ghost month

The seventh month of the lunar year when Ghost Festival is celebrated. Just as Western people have Halloween for ghosts, Chinese people also have a holiday to fete the departed spirits of the underworld - Ghost Festival. It is a popular occasion celebrated throughout China on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month. Historically, families offer sacrifices of the newly harvested grain to departed ancestors on this day. The Chinese believe that the dead become ghosts roaming between Heaven and earth. Spirits without descendants to care for them are prayed to during Ghost Festival so that they may also enjoy the warmth of life among the living. This custom, an extension of the traditional Chinese ethic of "universal love."


Language notes


1) Many foreign visitors can't help but exclaim that the Chinese are really creative and can line numbers up so "auspiciously."




To line sth up means to arrange or organize sth.


e.g. He's lined up a live band for the party.


2) Chinese not only use numbers to appeal for good fortune, they also bring them out to chew people out....




To chew sb. out means to speak angrily to sb.


e.g. He chewed out his secretary for being late to work.


3)...and a whole set of auspiciousness-attracting and evil-expelling habits took shape.




To take shape means to take on a definite form. 


e.g. The plan is beginning to take shape in my mind.


4) We often say "three yang make good fortune" to describe the hope that misfortune will be held at bay and good luck will follow.




To hold sb at bay means to prevent (an enemy, pursuers, etc) from coming near. 


e.g. I'm trying to hold my creditors at bay.


5) ...says that the only significance numbers have is what people ascribe to them.




To ascribe sth to sb/sth means to consider sth to be caused by, written by or belonging to sb/sth.


e.g. He ascribed his failure to bad luck.


     This play is usually ascribed to Shakespeare. 


     You can't ascribe the same meaning to both words. 


6) They are more wary of one, three, five, seven, and nine.




To be wary of is to be cautious of.


e.g. She was wary of strangers.


7) Thus in odd-numbered months holidays have been stipulated to help people get by.




To get by is to manage to live.


e.g. How does he get by on such a small salary?


8) When inquiring into the other's name and the "eight character horoscope" of the other party....




To inquire into sth means to try to learn the facts about sth.


e.g. We must inquire further into the matter.


9) The number of characters in the Chinese text would always have to add up to an even number....




To add up to means to amount to.


e.g. These numbers add up to 100.


10) "...Thus five fits in well with the idea of the ‘mean' always promoted by Confucian scholars," he has written.




To fit in with sth means to be in harmony with sth.


e.g. Do these plans fit in with your arrangements?


11) Six is the largest number on a die, so wouldn't one win by coming up with two sixes?




To come up with sth means to find or produce (an answer, a solution, etc). 


e.g. She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.



Text 2  Red Envelops

Information related to the text


ECHO magazine: Echo is a biweekly magazine of news, culture and entertainment for a lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, transgender and gay readership.


Language notes


1)But choosing a gift is an art in itself, and you can rack your brains and spend a whole day shopping, and you still won't know if the other person will like it or need it.




To rack one's brains means to try very hard to think of sth or recall sth.


e.g. We racked our brains for an answer.


2) ...only after dinner would it be pulled out and handed out to the small children.




To hand sth out (to sb) is to distribute sth (to sb). 


e.g. Relief workers were handing out emergency rations (to the survivors).


3) Ruan Chang-jue reminds us that because red symbolizes the vitality of life, and all mankind in early times had their magic ways to expel evil, it was by no means unique to China....




By no means means not at all. 


e.g. She is by no means poor: in fact, she's quite rich.


4) ...who can't help but lament that today "sending a red envelope" is synonymous with giving a bribe. 




Be synonymous (with sth) means having the same meaning.


e.g. Wealth is not necessarily synonymous with generosity.


5) Some Chinese have adapted to circumstances....




To adapt (oneself) to sth means to become adjust to new conditions, etc.


e.g.  She adapted herself quickly to the new climate.


6) ...hoping that after they get a red envelope and become a local god of wealth, they will no longer tamper with the affairs of men. 




To tamper with sth means to meddle or interfere with sth.


e.g. Someone has been tampering with the lock.


7) ...steakhouse may print a golden bull, to make a deeper impression on their customers.




To make an impression on sb means to have a deep lasting effect on the mind or feeling of sb.


e.g. His first speech as president made a strong impression on his audience.


8) ...how can a few piece of paper currency take the place of or outweigh the feeling in one's heart? 




To take the place of sb/sth means to replace sb/sth.


e.g. Nothing could take the place of the family he had lost.



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