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A. Determining the main idea.

   Choose the best answer. Do not refer to the text.

The main idea of the text is that ________.( )

(a) Chinese people prefer certain numbers to others

(b) Chinese peoples day-to-day life is closely associated with numbers

(c) there are a lot of auspicious numbers in Chinese

(d) Chinese people tend to avoid using numbers which seem ominous to them

B. Comprehending the text.

   Choose the best answer.

1. The ancients began to adopt ways to attract the auspicious and expel the malicious because ________.( )

(a) they knew it was very important to do so

(b) they believed that misfortune was not inevitable

(c) they found that misfortune in life came with certain signs of change in a particular matter

(d) they had psychological activity and the ability to link things together in their minds

2. Which of the following statements is not true about the Book of Changes?  ( )

(a) It tells people how to do calculation with numbers from one to ten.

(b) It deals with the significance of certain numbers.

(c) It has something to do with fortune-telling.

(d) It records what the ancients experienced with luck and divination.

3. Chinese people don't like odd numbers very much because ________.( )

(a) they look strange

(b) they are associated with death 

 (c) they are not beautiful

(d) they mean "alone"

4. One of the things that guests do at weddings is that they ________.( )

(a) say lucky numbers to the bride and groom

(b) give the bride and groom cash of even amounts as gifts

(c) present a letter of congratulations in a red envelope

(d) give cash of even amounts to the parents of the bride and groom

5. Which of the following facts is not mentioned in the text?  ( )

(a) Chinese people use numbers to appeal for good fortune.

(b) Chinese people have built up a whole philosophy around numbers.

(c) Chinese people use lucky numbers to symbolize wealth and fortune.

(d) Chinese people cannot do without numbers in their daily lives.

6. Which of the following statements is true, according to the text?  ( )

(a) Chinese people like the number 3 though it is an odd number.

(b) Chinese people like the number 4 because it is an even number.

(c) Chinese people don’t like the number 5 because it is not an even number.

(d) Chinese people don’t like the number 6 because it has nothing to do with good luck.

7. Some people don't like the number seven because ________.( )

(a) it is not an even number

(b) it is associated with rituals to mourn someone's death

(c) it brings about ill-fortune

(d) it does not conform to the idea of the "mean"

8.Which part of China is the place where people probably have the strongest belief in lucky numbers?  ( )

(a) Guangdong

(b) Taiwan

(c) Hong Kong

(d) North China

9. What is meant by "doing the sevens"?  ( )

(a) It means that people do seven things to drive ghosts away.

(b) It means to mourn the dead for 49 days with appropriate rituals.

(c) It refers to the things people do to mourn the dead in the first seven days.

(d) It means that people do seven things at someone's funeral.

10. Why do many men at 69 and 79 celebrate their 70th and 80th birthdays one year in advance?  ( )

(a) It is because 9 is the last numeral and old people think it unlucky to run across it.

(b) It is because 9 in former times was used only by the emperor.

(c) It is because 69 and 79 are both odd numbers.

(d) It is because 70 and 80 are both considered auspicious numbers.

11. The writer says, "When people use lucky numbers to symbolize wealth and fortune, or peace and benevolence, any number can be explained in such a way as to make it fit." This statement means that ________.( )

(a) some numbers symbolize wealth and fortune and others symbolize peace and benevolence

(b) people must use lucky numbers carefully

(c) you must explain every lucky number you use

(d) any number can be a lucky number if you interpret it properly


C. Understanding vocabulary.

   Choose the correct definition according to the context.

1.Chinese not only use numbers to appeal for good fortune, they also bring them out to chew people out.  ( )

(a) praise

(b) speak angrily to

(c) amuse

(d) shout at

2. Add to this that people have psychological activity and the ability to link things together in their minds, and a whole set of auspiciousness-attracting and evil-expelling habits took shape.  ( )

(a) came to be formed

(b) disappeared

(c) followed

(d) were added

3. We often say "three yang make good fortune" to describe the hope that misfortune will be held at bay and good luck will follow.  ( )

(a) no longer be something dreadful

(b) be changed to something auspicious

(c) be of no importance

(d) be kept away

4. Li Heng-li says that the only significance numbers have is what people ascribe to them.  ( )

(a) explain to

(b) describe to

(c) attribute to

(d) take away from

5. They are more wary of one, three, five, seven, and nine.  ( )

(a) cautious of

(b) worried about

(c) aware of

(d) generous to

6. And in North China, there is the saying that "if you want to succeed, don't stray from eight."  ( )

(a) run across

(b) wander away from

(c) stay with

(d) fight against

7. The writing style was rather meticulous.  ( )

(a) interesting

(b) humorous

(c) careful

(d) boring

8. Huang Bo-he, a scholar of folk traditions, argues that Chinese have always been rather inclined to the number three.  ( )

(a) fascinated by

(b) attracted by

(c) disappointed by

(d) considering

9. But in Taiwan four is not especially well looked upon.  ( )

(a) looked after

(b) regarded

(c) taken care of

(d) used

10. In general, Chinese assign little good or bad significance to "five."  ( )

(a) give

(b) sign

(c) send

(d) deliver

11. Confucianism also says that five implies the concept of "the mean."  ( )

(a) supplies

(b) explains

(c) makes up

(d) suggests

12. Businessmen are especially obsessed with success or failure, so they have to include auspiciousness in consideration of any affair like opening a factory or signing a contract.  ( )

(a) curious about

(b) nervous about

(c) preoccupied with

(d) anxious about

13. Liu Cheng-feng noted in one report that the last four digits of the phone number of the Canton Hotel are 8168, a homophone for "success and yet more success."  ( )

(a) word pronounced like another word but with a different meaning or spelling

(b) word used in place of another word in a home telephone book

(c) word that has a different pronunciation from another word but has the same meaning

(d) word that carries an auspicious meaning and is used as a home telephone number

14. Just open up a Chinese dictionary and there are sayings using three or multiples thereof sprinkled everywhere.  ( )

(a) jumped about

(b) scattered

(c) printed

(d) written


D. Discussing the following topics.

   1. Discuss the significance of numbers in your life.



2. Do you think that faith in numbers is superstitious? Why or why not?


3. Give examples of "auspicious" and "ominous" numbers other than those used in the text.




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