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New Words

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  campus   v. the grounds and buildings of a university, college or school 校园
elective   n. a course that you can choose to study because you are interested in it, while you are studying for a degree in a different subject选修课
refund   n. a sum of money that is given back 退款
  registration   n. the act of recording names and details on an official list 登记,注册
  sample   n. a small part or amount of something that is examined in order to find out something about the whole样品,标本,试样
  semester   n. either of the two periods into which a year at universities esp. in the U.S. is divided (尤指美国大学的)一学期,半学年
  withdraw   v. to take money out of a bank account 提取(银行存款)

Phrases and Expressions  

martial arts a sport such as JUDO or KARATE, in which you fight with your hand and feet, and which was developed in Eastern countries (东方国家的)武术(如柔道,空手道等)

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