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Passage H
My Experience at College

In high school, college seemed to be the scariest thing that I could think of. I didn't know much about the "college experience" and what I did know scared me. I pictured hare classes that I wouldn't be able to keep up with, people that wouldn't like me, and horrible food. Some of my friends had already been to college and had come back to visit. I felt twelve years old in comparison. I thought I would never be able to fit in. Everyone else I talked to didn't seem to have this problem. They all were thrilled at the thought of being on their own and not having to worry about their parents telling them what to do all the time. I felt like going to college was pretty much taking everything that I knew and had grown accustomed to and throwing it up in the air. The worst part about it all was that I felt like I was the only one that actually thought about this. I felt so immature and childish. I decided to approach my mom about the subject. I told her that I was a little sacred and the thought of being on my own made me a little uneasy.

"Sweetie" she said, " I know it's a little hard right now and things are a little confusing and overwhelming, but it will get easier. You'll get to school and wonder how you ever got along living here and going to high school. And when you get a little nervous and think it's too much just remember to stick it out and you can always come home." Talking to her definitely put me in a better mood, but I still couldn't shake the nervousness about the classes and the enormous amounts of homework..

As time went by I began to not think so much about going to school and I just wanted to savor) the time that I had left with my familiar friends. The summer before I came to school was probably the most fun we'd ever had. We reminisced about our lives growing up and all the fun that we had over the years. As the end of August rolled around we knew that it was time to say goodbye and be on our way. I packed up the memories of the last eighteen years of my life into about five suitcases and was ready to go. I though that I still looked like I was twelve years old but I figured I had to go sometime.

We finally made it to the dorms and began unloading my clothes and the many bags of food that my mom had packed me. After I tearfully said goodbye to my family and had all my things unpacked and put exactly where I wanted, my roommate and I decided to go around our hall. As we went around to different rooms and met different people my nervousness seemed to diminish. I began to realize that not everyone here knew everyone else and everyone was just as anxious and nervous about being here as I was. I started to feel better and was actually kind of excited about living here all by myself. As I started to go to my new classes I realized that they were kind of hard but that I was ready for them, I was ready for the challenge. I did have tons of homework and it has been overwhelming sometimes but I've also gotten a better sense of what I can handle and what I want to do with my life.


(600 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007