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Passage E
The Road to College

 For the past four years of high school I had studied, worked hard, and received excellent grades in order to achieve the privilege of attending college. I spent all summer wondering what my first day would be like. I had no idea it would go the way it actually did.

  The Day Finally Arrives

  I woke up the warm morning in late September excited to be starting a new school. From my bed I stumbled over to the closet to pick out my first day of college outfit. It took me awhile to get ready because I wanted everything to be perfect. I looked one last time in the mirror before heading out the door. As I rushed out the garage door I told my mother, "bye." She then replied, "have fun and be careful driving to school."

  As I drove up and down the lots I realized there was no close available parking, so I made my way under the freeway and into parking lot 30. After circling the parking lot a few times I realized the only available spots were in the back. As I parked the car I glanced at my watch and noticed I only had ten minutes before class began. As I quickly got out of my car and started to walk away a parking attendant stopped me and said, "I'm not going to give you a ticket this time, but next time if you park your car the wrong way again I'm going to give you a ticket." I didn't understand what she meant. I had parked the right way. I didn't know if we were all supposed to park a certain way. Then I noticed the car next to mine was parked backwards and realized the parking attendant thought it was mine. I couldn't believe it my very first day and I almost got a ticket for a car that wasn't even mine.

  I had finally made it to class with only one minute left. I took a deep breath and opened the classroom door. As I walked in the room there was dead silence and I felt all eyes on me. I was the final person to arrive in class. I checked around the room and found only two desks were empty and they were in the very back. The aisles were very narrow and as I tried to make my way down it I bumped a girl's folder that was on the edge of her desk. The folder crashed to the floor making a booming sound. I quickly said, "sorry." Again I felt all eyes on me. As I went further down the aisle I stepped on a guy's foot causing him to say, "ouch." Again I said, "sorry," quickly. I felt so embarrassed. I didn't want my first day to start like this.

 By the end of the class my embarrassment had vanished and I felt like I was starting to have a good day. I realized later that college was very different from high school. Nobody laughed at my great entrance, like they would have done in high school. I then realized I had nothing to be embarrassed about. I feel now my first day is something to laugh about rather than get embarrassed.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007