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Passage A
Internet and Education
  点击朗读 Education plays a very important role in everybody's life. We go to school because we want to know more about the world around us and at the same time extend our horizons of thinking. The typical classroom used to be the place where teachers and students were working and exploring the wonderful world of knowledge together, but now everything has changed. Technology is taking over those interactions and introducing us to a whole new approach of learning. 教育在每个人的生活中都扮演着一个非常重要的角色。我们上学是因为想了解周围的世界,同时也拓宽自己的视野。过去,传统的教室常是老师和学生共同研究和探索美妙的知识世界的场所,但现在,一切都发生了改变。先进的技术正逐步取代这些交互式的活动并给我们带来一种全新的学习方式。

  点击朗读 The Internet is one of those approaches. Learning via the Internet is a new style that many people believe is more successful than the conventional form of teaching. The Internet allows schools to develop a large amount of learning material that is accessible for students online anytime. There are so many choices of courses and subjects or time frames that completing a program is not an issue for students anymore. We found that online education gives us excellent sources of information, saves our time, money and it is extremely convenient.  国际因特网便是其中的方式之一。通过因特网学习是一种新的学习方式,许多人认为它比传统的教学方式更加有效。有了因特网,学校能够开发出大量的学习材料以供学生随时从网上获取。在网上,学生对各种课程和时间段有多种选择。因此,完成一项教育计划对学生而言就不再成为问题了。我们发现,在线教育为我们提供了绝好的信息资源,节约了时间和金钱,而且十分方便。

   点击朗读 Not long ago we used to go to the library every time we needed information and spent hours searching for the right sources. Today there is a "library" in our house and it is available 24 hours a day. From my personal experience, as a first time mother, I found that using information online is very helpful. While I am at home with my baby, I am still able to connect to the world and search for any educational materials I need. I am also able to exchange thoughts, opinions and information with my classmates without leaving my house. 以前,每当需要查找资料的时候,我们总是去图书馆并在那儿花上几个小时找寻所需的资料。今天,我们自己家里也拥有了一座图书馆,而且一天24小时开放。以我初为人母的个人经验来看,我发现使用网上信息对我非常有帮助。当我在家照看孩子的时候,我仍然可以和外界保持联系并搜寻任何我所需要的教育资料。我还可以在家中和我的同学们交流思想、观点和信息。

  点击朗读 The Internet is not only a big information provider but also saves us money and time. People are predicting that education will be much cheaper in the future because of Internet access to information. The cost of land, buildings and wages for teachers are continuously increasing and that makes conventional education more expensive than online education. In addition, regular courses (offline) depend heavily on books and other traditional paper-based materials while online education posts lectures, notes, and assignments electronically and that saves thousands of dollars every year. There is also no need for the classroom itself because most programs online require participation in discussion and group projects via e-mail. 因特网不仅仅是一个巨大的信息源,而且还能够为我们节约时间和金钱。有人预言,由于可以通过因特网获取信息,未来的教育将会比现在便宜得多。购置土地和建筑房屋的费用,以及教师的工资都在持续增长,这就使传统教育比在线教育花费更多。此外,常规的(离线)课程,严重地依赖于书本和其它传统的印刷资料。然而,在线教育则通过电子手段来显示教师授课内容、学生笔记和布置作业,这样每年可以节约数千美元。同时,在线教育还不需要教室,因为大部分网络课程要求学生通过发送电子邮件来参与讨论和进行小组项目。

  点击朗读 The Internet classes and courses are also very convenient because there are no physical restrictions as in conventional education like space and time limitations. First, in classroom-based education there is a limitation on the number of students that are allowed in each class while Internet education is available to everyone because a classroom is not an issue there. Students don't have to struggle in order to register for the classes they like. In addition, there is no time limitation so students can repeat exercises as many times as they need. 在因特网上开班授课也非常方便,因为它不像传统教育那样有时间和空间上的客观限制。首先,以教室进行教学对于每个班上课的学生有数量限制,然而,教室对网络教育来说根本不是问题,每个人都可以在网上接受教育。学生们不必拼尽全力地去注册他们喜欢的课程。此外,因为没有时间限制,所以只要学生需要,他们可以反复做练习。

  点击朗读 Education will spread out more and more online and students will have more choices on how and when to take their courses and classes. They will easily be able to take the classes they want and repeat material on the Internet as many times as they need. The Internet is a wonderful opportunity to have a good time but also to learn something in a convenient and less expensive way. In my opinion online life in the future is simply inescapable.  教育会越来越多地在网上推广开来。 在以什么方式和什么时间上课的问题上,学生们会有更多的选择。他们将很容易就找到自己喜欢的班,而且可以多次复习教学内容,使用教材,直到满意为止。因特网不仅为我们寻找乐趣提供了一个绝妙的机会,而且可以让我们以更方便和更经济的方式学到知识。在我看来,未来的在线生活是不可避免的。

(546 words)
©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007