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Passage A
Related Information

Online education
Millions of people have rejected traditional education in favor of E-learning. And many universities have set up E-learning centers. Online-learning enrollments are growing 33 percent a year and are expected to hit 2.2 million by 2004.


Wages for teachers
According to National Faculty Salary Survey in Private Four-Year Colleges and Universities(2000-01), the highest-paying discipline/major field is Law, in which the overall average salary is $108,450. The other disciplines/major fields in the top five are Public Health, $89,706; Financial Management and Services, $89,523; Chemical Engineering, $82,878; and Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, $80,848. A wider salary survey by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) found a 3.5 percent increase in average salaries for faculty at public and private institutions in recent years.

根据美国全国四年制私立大学教职人员工资调查(2000-2001),工资最高的学科、专业领域为法律,平均工资为$108 450。排名前五位的其他学科、专业依次为公共健康($89 706);金融管理与服务($89 523); 化工($82 878); 电气、电子与通讯工程($80 848)。美国大学教授协会一项范围更广的调查发现美国公私立高等学校教职人员的工资近年来有平均3.5%的增幅。

Register for classes
Students register their classes with the help of their teachers. They are encouraged to register early, as class sizes are usually limited to a certain number of students and are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. They may register through the mail, by phone/fax or in person at the Center. Today, it is widespread at colleges and universities to register through the Internet, so it is no longer a phenomenon that students stand in a long line waiting to register for classes at the registration center.


Online life
It is certainly true that life online is inescapable. Colleges that have invested a great deal in online learning have often discovered that the extra work for the teachers has been more than they expected, and so have some of the financial costs thus far. However, online education is quite new, and in the future the author's optimistic predictions may all come true.


©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007