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Words and Expressions



access n.   a means of entering; way in; entrance 进入;通路
means or right of using, reaching, or entering 使用、接近或进入的方法或权利
  accessible adj.   that can be gotten or gotten to, into, or at 可得到的;能进去的
  addition n.   the act of adding, esp. of adding numbers together 加
  amount n.   a quantity or sum 数目,数额
  approach n.   a means or way of entering 进路,入口; a manner or method of doing something 方法,步骤
  assignment n.   a job which one is given (分配的)工作,任务
  conventional adj.   following accepted customs and standards, sometimes too closely 保守的, 习惯的,传统的
  electronically adv.   by means of computers and the Internet 通过电子手段,通过网络
  exchange v.   to give and receive (something in return for something else) 交换,交易
  explore v.   to travel into or through (a place ) for the purpose of discovery 探险,探测
  extend v.   (of space, land, or time) to reach, stretch, or continue 延续,继续; to make longer or greater 延长,扩大
  frame n.   the main supports over and around which sth. is stretched or built 支架,架子,框架 ; the way that time is used 时间安排方案,时间表
  horizon n.   the line far away where the land or sea seems to meet the sky 地平线; (plural)the limit of your ideas, knowledge, experience (思想、知识、经验等的)范围,眼界;
  Internet n.   国际互联网,因特网
  issue n.   a problem or subject people discuss 问题,议题,争议
  limitation n.   the act of limiting something 限制;( usually plural) a limit on how good someone or something can be, what they are able to do, etc. 限制,缺陷,缺点
offline/off-line adj. & adv.   离线(的)
online/on-line adj. & adv.   在线(的)
  opportunity n.   a chance to do something or an occasion when it is easy to do something 机会,时机
  participation n.   the act of taking part in an activity or event 参与,加入,参加
  physical adj.   related to real objects or structure that can be touched, seen, or felt 物质的, 客观存在的
  predict v.   to say that something will happen or that something will happen in a particular way 预言,预测
  project n.   an important or carefully planned piece of work, that is intended to build or produce something new, or to deal with a problem 项目,工程 a part of a school course that involves careful study or a particular subject over a period of time 任务, 课程
  register v.   to record the name or details about someone or something in an official list 登记,注册
  restriction n.   (often plural) a rule or system that limits or controls what you can do or what is allowed to happen 限制
  technology n.   knowledge about scientific or industrial methods or the use of these methods 技术
  traditional adj.   following ideas and methods that have existed for a long time, without being interested in anything new or different 传统的,习俗的,因袭的,守旧的
  typical adj.   having the usual features or qualities of a particular group or thing 典型的
  via prep.   traveling through a place on the way to another place 经由,通过; using a particular person, machine etc. to send something 通过

Phrases and Expressions

connect to join two or more things together 连接,链接
in addition (to) adding another to what has been said ; moreover; furthermore 而且,加之
play a role in to have a part in 起作用;扮演一个角色
spread out to cover or stretch over a large area 扩展,传播开来
take over to take control of something 接管,接任,接办
©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007