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Passage D
On the Way to Music

   My name is Terry L. Harden. I live in Orlando, Florida, just minutes from Disney World, so my neighbors are Mickey and Minnie Mouse. I'm 31 years old. I'm a full-time writer for a major publishing company.  我叫泰里·L·哈顿,住在弗罗里达的奥兰多,离迪斯尼乐园只有几分钟的路程,与米老鼠和它的女朋友为邻。我31岁,在一家大出版公司作专职作家

   I've always enjoyed music from as far back as I can remember. But I couldn't sing a lick. My singing voice is horrible but that hasn't kept me from enjoying music. When I was in school I wrote a series of poems, songs, and plays. I especially enjoyed lyrics, verses and rhymes. I just loved the way a good song was constructed. My fondest memory is when my fourth grade teacher told me I was going to grow up and either to be a poet, an author, or a songwriter. Her encouragement has stuck with me until this very day.  从记事起我就爱上了音乐。我的声音难听,论唱歌我开不了口,但这却并不妨碍我热爱音乐。在学校的时候,我写了很多诗歌、歌词和剧本。我特别喜欢抒情诗、韵律诗和韵文,热衷于创作好听的歌。我最美好的回忆就是四年级的时候,我的老师跟我说我长大后要么是个诗人、作家,或者成为歌词作者。她的鼓励直至今日都会在我耳边响起。

   When I was twelve years old I got my first set of turntables for my birthday. From that moment I never got a full night of sleep until I went to college. I enjoyed mixing music and recording the mixes and giving them to family and friends. I also pretended to be a radio deejay. And everybody thought I was pretty good! Plus, I continued to write poems with melodies. I guess you can call them songs.  我十二岁生日那天得到了第一套唱机,打那以后直到上大学,我再没睡过一个囫囵觉。我陶醉在各种类型的音乐中,又把这些大杂烩录下来播放给我的家人和朋友听。我还假扮电台音乐播音员,大家觉得我棒极了!之外,我继续为曲子作词,我想它们大概可称之为歌曲。

   When I made it to college I finally fulfilled my dream. I became a weekend deejay. I got to play whatever I wanted. Plus I was playing for the entire campus. I was finally playing music for more than just me and my family. I also wrote a weekly R&B column for the campus newspaper. I heard it was well read and respected. But that's all hearsay. I continued to write, and thought about becoming a songwriter or a music producer.   考上大学我总算实现了自己的梦想。成为一个周末音乐播音员,想放什么歌就可以放什么歌。更重要的是我为整个校园播放歌曲,我终于不是只为自己和家人播放歌曲了。我还给校报蓝调音乐写专栏。听说读者很多,倍受推崇。但这不过是道听途说。我继续写,想着自己能成为歌曲作者或是音乐制作人。

   After college I floated from job to job. I worked as a clerk / cashier in a record store, an usher in a movie theater, and a deejay at an ice skating rink, just to name a few. I got bored with my mediocre salary and I finally found steady work as a hotel inspector supervisor. In other words, I kinda gave up on the dream. I still continued to write, but more as a hobby than a dream.  大学毕业以后,我的工作换了一个又一个。随便举几个例子,我在音像店当过店员/收银员;在电影院当过引座员;在滑冰场搞过音乐播音。不多的工资让我心灰意懒,最后我找了份酒店保安领班的稳定工作。换句话说,我几乎放弃了自己的梦想。我仍继续写歌,但更多的是出于爱好而不再是寻梦。

   Then one day a friend showed some of my poetry to a publishing company. They fell in love with my work, and offered me a contract. Of course I accepted it! I am now a full-time published poet and horror writer. My first book is due out by the end of this year. 之后有一天,我的一位朋友给一家出版公司看了我的一些诗,他们喜欢上了我的作品,给了我一份合同。毫无疑问,我接受了!我现在是专职发表作品的诗人和恐怖小说作家。今年年底我的第一本书就要出版了。

   NEVER give up on your dreams. No matter how hard it gets. No matter how bumpy the road may get! Never give up. NEVER!   永远不要放弃你的梦想,不管它有多么遥远,不管道路是如何坎坷!永不放弃。永不!

(455 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007